I just wanted to say a thank you to everyone who has been showing me love! The amount of support I have gotten on here is insane!
@deadguitarist Helped me so much with this set! from taking the photos, to teaching me how to upload my set, to encouraging me to stay positive and confident about my set. I honestly wouldn't be on here if it wasn't for him! I would recommend him to anyone who wants a set done! He made it comfortable and we had a lot of laughs!
This set was shot on Jean dry lake bed in Nevada. We picked a pretty distant spot away from off-roaders, although some drove by curiously. It was a comfortable spot, just very dusty! What I've realized is that the desert is a very beautiful place to be.
Although I was extremely nervous going into this, I am so glad I did it! When my set had just gone live, I had just gotten home from work, and i looked at the time and noticed it had been live for a few minutes. I was not expecting this amount of love! This community is very accepting and loving and I appreciate this so much!
I will be submitting a set that I had done in January in the next day or two, so that should be live within the next couple of months!
I hope everyone is staying safe during this time!
xx Alissa <3