A couple of weeks ago, Mister_ and I road tripped to Austin! Here is our trip in photos!
(and videos)
Here is Mister_ on the side of I40, it poured like the first 7-8 hours so once we finally got out of the storm we pulled over to take polaroids... and some iphone pics since the sky was so amazing!
Even with the rain, we made great time the first day & made it all the way to Hope, Arkansas. So we did the traditional visit to the birth home of Bill Clinton, and we might have gotten a few flashing Polaroids this time....
We made it to Austin that afternoon, and had an adorable Airstream to stay in!
The first night we spent helping Rockett do homework... Poor Rockett, we came to town during her finals, and I tempted her every chance I could to blow off homework to hang out with us... I can't decided if that makes me a bad friend or a good friend... either way I was happy to spend quality time with Rockett.. Love that girl!
The next morning was Sunday, so Mister_ & I had to take a Sundies pic first thing... hahah
The first girl I shot in Austin was the super foxy Maybelle! This girl is AMAZING, such a babe, and she has the cutest southern accent! I fell in love whit her, she reminds me of a bit of Vice! What do you guys think?
Then Maybelle, Mister_, Rockett, Galaxy & I had lunch at Frank!
Then we went speed shopping... Sad to say this was the most we got to walk around Austin on this trip. We were so packed with shoots there was just no time to explore! Next time...
We have perfect Ice Cream Truck timing!
The location for Galaxy's set was a dream come true (as was Galaxy, she is sooo beautiful), we totally lucked out and stumbled upon it... Thank you Austin.. for being so awesome...
Nightcap Joints & Laughs outside the Airstream....
The next morning I shot the babley VioletVixsin! I met this babe when she did Hair & Makeup at the SXSW event in March, so I was super excited to get to work with her this time! She is super curvy & confidant, I adoreee her! Can't wait for you guys to see her set!
Cupcake Break with Mister_, Rockett & Apollo
I finally got to meet Rockett's fur baby, Yoshi...
So then, we got to the next place we rented... I think we rented my dream house... Sighhh.. I never wanted to leave.
Mister_ working on new girl Nebula, who will soon be on the site!
More of the adorable Nebula!
After Nebula, I shot the amazing Peruvian babe Jungla! You will have to wait a bit to see this one, hopefully it will be her 2nd set as a Suicide Girl! She has a set in the queue now by the amazing Jensen.. I cant wait to see it & I'm sure it will make this babe pink! She is magnetic!
OH>MY>GOODNESS! I have practically been stalking this babe for over a year trying to shoot her... and it FINALLY happened, and of course, she did not disappoint! Let me introduce you to Bunny Harlow! She will also soon be on the site, I will let you know when it happens... I know I say this all the time, but.. I LOVE THIS GIRL!
Incase you weren't sold just based on looks alone, here is a video of Bunny Harlow twerkin' in a gas station. Looks & a good sense of humor... Bunny, you have my heart!
This is the darling Stellato! She is the wife of awesome member ChefMatt, who for some reason I can't find his profile.. Did you change your name Matt? Haha Let me know so I can link you guysss!
OMG, another girl that I fell in love with! SailorMars is truly a goddess! I just love a girl from Houston... and she had the most amazing energy to her! I can not wait to shoot her again.. and again... and again! Hahah!
I shot Okami late into the night that night! She is such a fox, and she always brings the most fun things to shoot in, like these mustache latex undies! Swoon!
Gah, so many babes! This beauty has not decided on a name quite yet... soon soon! This long & lovely babe is totally perfect! I am so excited we got to work together!
Whataburger with Mewes, Apollo, Aforementioned Babe, Sedona & Mister_!
Earlier in the week, we set up this amazing location Roadhouse Relics, for Apollo! Apollo is the first Austin girl I shot, she will always have a special place in my heart, she is just such a kind & genuine person! Not to mention, she just gets hotter & hotter every time I see her!
Next up was Sedona, and we had a bit more time left on our rental of Roadhouse Relics, so we shot an awesome set there! I am so excited to prep this one! Sedona, I'm still killing myself for not getting photos of you cooking us dinner!
Thanks for being amazing when I was too tired to even feed myself properly! Love you!
Mister_, Apollo, Sedona & Mewes outside of Roadhouse Relics.
Snow Cone Pit Stop at Rockaway Beach.
So, this amazing thing happened...
Clerks 2 Multi with Mewes & Mister_! We have been talking about this for ages, and we finally went ahead & did it, even though Mister_ is not yet pink, we hope her new set in the queue (September 14th) makes her pink so we can submit this set asap!
We got up at sunrise to shoot a BeetleJuice themed set of Mewes! Another set you will have to wait a second to see, but I assure you, it will be worth the wait!
Ahhhhh, Rockett! I don't even have words to express how much I love this girl! I do believe she will be a lifelong friend, I can see watching rom-coms and cuddling puppies with her when we are both little old ladies. Oh yeah, and she is a mega babe too! I can't wait for you guys to see her new set!
Another late night, with Nolita!!! Another new girl that I just fucking love! Brains, beauty, humor & personality, this gal is the total package! Her & Wit road tripped over from New Orleans & crashed with us for a few days, so I really got to know Nolita, and I wanna keep her in my pocket. I'm thankful for snapchat, it makes me feel like I'm hanging out with Nolita, Rockett & Mewes even if its just for 10 seconds at a time.
Soooo, after Nolita's set... we got a little drunk & played Mystery Date.
I think we might have still been drunk when we got up at sunrise to shoot Wit! I don't know how we did it, but we managed to keep our hangovers at bay until we were done shooting this set!
Luckily, I had plenty of time to nap it off before shooting Chride! I hadn't seen this her in 3 years! WAY toooooo long! I;m so glad I had the chance to catch up with her & meet her new baby! Her post baby body is just ridiculous... she is so hot, only 9 months after giving birth.. she is amazing!
Mister_ getting Onyx ready to shoot!
Cutie-Pie Onyx!
Ramen was the last girl I shot this Austin trip, she is so adorable I can't even stand it! She has the most amazing eyes and an incredible booty! Deadly combo! Plus she is sweeter than candy, a true pleasure to work with! I'm so happy I got to end the trip on such a high note with her! Expect to see this set in the queue soon!
Nolita, Mewes & Mister_ watching Ramen's shoot!
Walking to dinner on our last night!
Final goodbyes with Wit & Nolita before Mister_ & I drove back to Ohio.
Wit & Nolita, Thank you both for being so amazing & helping with the cooking & cleaning! You guys are great & I can not wait till October!
The drive back was long, but we made it & are now back in Ohio! I think I counted 22 total "shoots" the week I was in Austin... So I feel like I'm still recovering! I had the most amazing time as usual, you Texan girls sure know how to make a girl feel welcome! Love you all!
More adventure updates soon!
I'm now booking shoots in Phoenix the 19-30th of August!
See you guys at Hell City Phoenix!

(and videos)

Here is Mister_ on the side of I40, it poured like the first 7-8 hours so once we finally got out of the storm we pulled over to take polaroids... and some iphone pics since the sky was so amazing!

Even with the rain, we made great time the first day & made it all the way to Hope, Arkansas. So we did the traditional visit to the birth home of Bill Clinton, and we might have gotten a few flashing Polaroids this time....

We made it to Austin that afternoon, and had an adorable Airstream to stay in!

The first night we spent helping Rockett do homework... Poor Rockett, we came to town during her finals, and I tempted her every chance I could to blow off homework to hang out with us... I can't decided if that makes me a bad friend or a good friend... either way I was happy to spend quality time with Rockett.. Love that girl!

The next morning was Sunday, so Mister_ & I had to take a Sundies pic first thing... hahah

The first girl I shot in Austin was the super foxy Maybelle! This girl is AMAZING, such a babe, and she has the cutest southern accent! I fell in love whit her, she reminds me of a bit of Vice! What do you guys think?

Then Maybelle, Mister_, Rockett, Galaxy & I had lunch at Frank!

Then we went speed shopping... Sad to say this was the most we got to walk around Austin on this trip. We were so packed with shoots there was just no time to explore! Next time...

We have perfect Ice Cream Truck timing!

The location for Galaxy's set was a dream come true (as was Galaxy, she is sooo beautiful), we totally lucked out and stumbled upon it... Thank you Austin.. for being so awesome...

Nightcap Joints & Laughs outside the Airstream....

The next morning I shot the babley VioletVixsin! I met this babe when she did Hair & Makeup at the SXSW event in March, so I was super excited to get to work with her this time! She is super curvy & confidant, I adoreee her! Can't wait for you guys to see her set!

Cupcake Break with Mister_, Rockett & Apollo

I finally got to meet Rockett's fur baby, Yoshi...

So then, we got to the next place we rented... I think we rented my dream house... Sighhh.. I never wanted to leave.

Mister_ working on new girl Nebula, who will soon be on the site!

More of the adorable Nebula!

After Nebula, I shot the amazing Peruvian babe Jungla! You will have to wait a bit to see this one, hopefully it will be her 2nd set as a Suicide Girl! She has a set in the queue now by the amazing Jensen.. I cant wait to see it & I'm sure it will make this babe pink! She is magnetic!

OH>MY>GOODNESS! I have practically been stalking this babe for over a year trying to shoot her... and it FINALLY happened, and of course, she did not disappoint! Let me introduce you to Bunny Harlow! She will also soon be on the site, I will let you know when it happens... I know I say this all the time, but.. I LOVE THIS GIRL!
Incase you weren't sold just based on looks alone, here is a video of Bunny Harlow twerkin' in a gas station. Looks & a good sense of humor... Bunny, you have my heart!

This is the darling Stellato! She is the wife of awesome member ChefMatt, who for some reason I can't find his profile.. Did you change your name Matt? Haha Let me know so I can link you guysss!

OMG, another girl that I fell in love with! SailorMars is truly a goddess! I just love a girl from Houston... and she had the most amazing energy to her! I can not wait to shoot her again.. and again... and again! Hahah!

I shot Okami late into the night that night! She is such a fox, and she always brings the most fun things to shoot in, like these mustache latex undies! Swoon!

Gah, so many babes! This beauty has not decided on a name quite yet... soon soon! This long & lovely babe is totally perfect! I am so excited we got to work together!

Whataburger with Mewes, Apollo, Aforementioned Babe, Sedona & Mister_!

Earlier in the week, we set up this amazing location Roadhouse Relics, for Apollo! Apollo is the first Austin girl I shot, she will always have a special place in my heart, she is just such a kind & genuine person! Not to mention, she just gets hotter & hotter every time I see her!

Next up was Sedona, and we had a bit more time left on our rental of Roadhouse Relics, so we shot an awesome set there! I am so excited to prep this one! Sedona, I'm still killing myself for not getting photos of you cooking us dinner!

Mister_, Apollo, Sedona & Mewes outside of Roadhouse Relics.

Snow Cone Pit Stop at Rockaway Beach.

So, this amazing thing happened...

We got up at sunrise to shoot a BeetleJuice themed set of Mewes! Another set you will have to wait a second to see, but I assure you, it will be worth the wait!

Ahhhhh, Rockett! I don't even have words to express how much I love this girl! I do believe she will be a lifelong friend, I can see watching rom-coms and cuddling puppies with her when we are both little old ladies. Oh yeah, and she is a mega babe too! I can't wait for you guys to see her new set!

Another late night, with Nolita!!! Another new girl that I just fucking love! Brains, beauty, humor & personality, this gal is the total package! Her & Wit road tripped over from New Orleans & crashed with us for a few days, so I really got to know Nolita, and I wanna keep her in my pocket. I'm thankful for snapchat, it makes me feel like I'm hanging out with Nolita, Rockett & Mewes even if its just for 10 seconds at a time.
Soooo, after Nolita's set... we got a little drunk & played Mystery Date.

I think we might have still been drunk when we got up at sunrise to shoot Wit! I don't know how we did it, but we managed to keep our hangovers at bay until we were done shooting this set!

Luckily, I had plenty of time to nap it off before shooting Chride! I hadn't seen this her in 3 years! WAY toooooo long! I;m so glad I had the chance to catch up with her & meet her new baby! Her post baby body is just ridiculous... she is so hot, only 9 months after giving birth.. she is amazing!

Mister_ getting Onyx ready to shoot!

Cutie-Pie Onyx!

Ramen was the last girl I shot this Austin trip, she is so adorable I can't even stand it! She has the most amazing eyes and an incredible booty! Deadly combo! Plus she is sweeter than candy, a true pleasure to work with! I'm so happy I got to end the trip on such a high note with her! Expect to see this set in the queue soon!

Nolita, Mewes & Mister_ watching Ramen's shoot!

Walking to dinner on our last night!


Final goodbyes with Wit & Nolita before Mister_ & I drove back to Ohio.
Wit & Nolita, Thank you both for being so amazing & helping with the cooking & cleaning! You guys are great & I can not wait till October!
The drive back was long, but we made it & are now back in Ohio! I think I counted 22 total "shoots" the week I was in Austin... So I feel like I'm still recovering! I had the most amazing time as usual, you Texan girls sure know how to make a girl feel welcome! Love you all!
More adventure updates soon!
I'm now booking shoots in Phoenix the 19-30th of August!
See you guys at Hell City Phoenix!

I miss you gorgeous can't wait to see you
Those orb things in the photo....tv says they're ghosts....or maybe they need to be grey...looks like rain