Ooops, I waited too long to blog... so be prepared for this to be a MASSIVE update! hahah!

The end of 2012 has been soooo amazing! I'm so glad what stared off as a rocky year for me, has turned out to be one of the best years I could imagine! I have a new optimism and drive that I think will make 2013 even more epic! Wellllll, anyways, here is what I've been up to since my last blog!

At the end of September, I spent a day with my favorite Frolic, shooting some sets of her for Zivity! You can see the results Here, Here & Here!

The first day of October I spent shooting the adorable Lolana! You should be seeing this set soon!

Damsel, Frolic & Lolana

Got another cover on Tattoo Magazine! (I neeeed to talk this babe into shooting a set, don't ya think?) Haha!

I got to hang out with my favorite stoner Damsel & shoot a bit for Zivity.. (Since she is so backed up on SG Sets) You can check these sets out here & here!

Dinner with Adam, Sunshine & Durb!

On October 7th I celebrated 8 years of being with this guy!

Durb surprised me with tickets & a press pass to the Fiona Apple concert! I was SOOO EXCITED!

I have mentioned before my fondness of girls in black lipstick..

so Frolic & I worked on a little something that I'm super proud of!

These are just my cell phone pics of this shoot! To see the full set, click HERE!

I got to shoot Phecda for a Girls of Geek Calendar she was asked to be in!

Frolic & Phecda

Actually Phecda & I shot quite a bit that day! Check out the full sets Here, Here & Here!

You can check out Phecda as Poison Ivy now in MR! I would love to see this set on the Front Page, so if you haven't left your love, do it now!

OMG! I'm SO EXCITED about this BABE! Meet Mister_!!! I have been in love with this doll forever! She has been doing hair for me for YEARS & I finally talked her into shoot a set for SG!!!! She is incredible, funny & SO crazy stunning! Her set goes into MR tomorrow night (NYE) so don't forget to check her out before you go celebrate your New Years!

Dimples came to town, and I got to shoot a multi of her & Damsel that will be hitting the queue soon!

I also got to shoot a solo of Dimples that is coming out in April!

Here is a little teaser to hold you over till April!

Damsel, Dimples & Sunshine

Next up, I shot new model eliseplur! She is so adorable! Go give her a warm welcome to SG!

SWOON! I just fell in LOVE with Luxlee! This set comes out in January, another on I'm super excited about!

I shot a bit more of Luxlee for Zivity.. Check it out Here

and Here

Frolic, me & Luxlee

Windy Day!

Got to see another favorite live!

of course I bought a tshirt!

Then it was time to hit the road with Radeo & Frolic

Radeo in ATX!

Frolic in ATX!

Drunken bathroom photos with Apollo, me & Frolic


I absolutely adore Apollo! I also love that she lets me take photos of her drunk in the street!

Radeo, Apollo & Frolic

Radeo & Frolic infront of our Cottage!

Getting Torchy's for breakfast with Doneele & Apollo

Back to the cottage to start shooting!

Apollo's impression of the creepy mannequin

First up I shot Doneele! SWOON! This girl neeeeeeeeds to be pink! She is literally perfect! I love everything about her!

Her set comes out Feb 28th! I'm literally counting down the days!

Next up I shot a set of my darling Apollo! I think this might be my favorite set we have shot together yet! She is truly a dream to work with!


I also got to shoot Doneele for Zivity! (notice the black lipstick!

To check out this entire set click here!

4 of my very favorite girls alive... Doneele, Apollo, Frolic & Radeo

next up, we moved from the cottage, to the dome for the night.

Then it was time for a fancy dinner with the girls thanks to ChefMatt! If you are ever in the Austin area.. you HAVE to check out Cru Wine Bar! ChefMatt is amazing at what he does, and the food there is divine! (I'm talking about the NW Location.. for those of you in the area!)

The next morning it was time to shoot a set of Radeo that will be in MR in January!

Another set I can't wait for you guys to see!!!!!

Then it was time to shoot another new hopeful TiffanyDiane

This girl is pinup perfection! Her set comes out January 26th! Do not miss this babe!

We moved once more to a new house to stay in, and first up we shot smokin' hot new girl Rockett_!

Here is another girl I just fell in love with! (Texan girls are god damn adorable... Jeeze) This babe's set also goes into MR January 26th! I can't waitttt!

Next up was my favorite freckled face redhead Periguin!

I'll be prepping this bad boy soon!

Right after Periguin we made it out in time to catch the last bit of daylight to shoot Charmaine

YAYAYA! I love this girl so so so much! This set goes into MR March 24th!

Symbol, Periguin, Frolic, Radeo, Apollo, Rockett_ & Charmaine aka = Babe & The Foxes

Okay, so another brand new girl I am so thrilled to bring to SG, Symbol shot her first ever set for SG that night!

Here is the audience we had for Symbol's shoot!

The next morning I had a tiny moment of relaxation before my shoots!

First up was a PeeWee themed set of the absolutely stunning Mewes

Another one I'll be prepping soon! This girl is to die for!

Next up was another brand new hopeful, who has yet to decided on a name.. I'll bee submitting her soon too!

Dinner time with Frolic, Apollo, Radeo, Wit & Mewes

The next morning was the start of the ATX Comic Con! With Radeo, Namaste, Doneele, Frolic, Periguin, Wit, Apollo & Mewes

Gunning it to 88 with Frolic


Gangnam Style

Radeo had a rough day so to cheer her up, Frolic & I got her a corgi costume and nachos! It worked...

I met Brian Posehn!

Rockett_ & Namaste

We alllll got animal costumes...

I went as an owl to the Halloween Party

The ONE cell phone pic I took at the party.. I guess I was having tooo much fun!

The next morning I shot another brand new girl Okami_! This girl can move, I just LOVED shooting her! What a total babe! Check her set out February 27th!

Wit stuck behind the kitty door...

While I shot my long time BFF Namaste! (She has been my muse since she was 14... Now that we are both nearing our 30's.. I really appreciate her always being down to model for me... I would be where I am today with out this girl.. So I'm forever grateful to work with her!)

Here is Wit & Apollo, getting Wit ready for her shoot!

Wit never disappoints! I can't wait to prep this set!

A cold front came through, I didn't pack any warm clothes for Texas, so I shot in my owl suit for a few days...

Well, we all wore our animal suits to keep warm...

Frolic making us some hot chocolate before bed..

The next morning I shot the babley Rarity_

This girl is so awesome, great personality, suer cute & bubbly, she reminds me a lot of Friskey.. That is quite a compliment.. Friskey is the best!

The very last set I shot on my ATX Trip was Ryver_! Her set goes into MR March 7th!

Another brand new model to SG, this girl has got it all too, beauty, personality & brains! I have so many new favorites after my Texas trip!

Our last dinner with the girls before we drove home! Frolic, Mewes, Rockett_, Ryver_, Radeo & Apollo

My last night in ATX

Radeo & Frolic infront of our rental the morning we left!

Love this house!

Road Trip hijinks with Radeo & Frolic in the middle of nowhere Tennessee!

I got home, slept for like a day.. The got back to work shooting Weiland_!

Radeo & Weiland_

YAYAYY! I love this doll! Check out this set February 13th! (Oh, and yes.. she IS Native American... fyi)

We had a second Halloween party in Columbus! Here is Damsel & Sunshine!

Luscious & Dane


Jubilee & Rogue


Durb & I

Delia & Radeo

SoBelle & Decklynn

Durb, Louie & Trey

The next morning I was lucky enough to shoot the incredible Jubilee! Another set I'll be submitting super soon!

Dinner with Durb, Luscious, Dane & Weiland_

I got banned from FaceBook for a MONTH! Dumb

I got to shoot soooo much fun stuff of Luscious while she was in town! She is amazinggggg!

I hung out while Durb tattooed Radeo

Frolic & I

Shot an awesome new set of Decklynn, can you guess the theme?


Mister_ & Lylie! (after Mister did Lylie's hair!)

I am so happy Lylie came to visit us in Ohio! She is incredible! I was so bummed I missed her last year while filming the UK movie, she arrived the day I left.. I had always wanted to meet & shoot her! I'm so excited it finally happened!

I aslo shot a set of Lylie for Zivity, if you wanna see it.. Click Here!

Lylie & Sunshine

The next day, Durb & I packed up our pups, and hit the road for a 3 day drive to Phoenix to spend Thanksgiving with my family.

1st stop in Phoenix is ALWAYS The Biltmore!

Drinks with old friends!

Durb & I

Stoked to have our pups at The Biltmore, we have been staying here since 2006, and talking about bringing the dogs since then! So glad we got a chance to bring them!

Hell City Meetings!

Post Hell City Meetings

Me & Naboo

Visiting my parents also means visiting the eye doctor & the dentist.

Durb & My Dad

My mom & her friend

Thanksgiving Dinner

The next day we took a drive to Sedona... This is on the way!

We took a Pink Jeep Tour

Then it was time to pack up the pups and head home!

We saw signs for a meteor crater while driving back, so naturally we hadddddd to stop!


Finally home & back to prepping!

Red Tree Shop Dinner!

Then I got to shoot the amazing Spectre_ at Frolic's house!

SO adorable! Another set that will be in the queue soon!

The super adorable & amazingly cool Coax_ came through Ohio on her own road trip! I'm so glad I got to work with her!

This is her adorable pup hanging out at my house...

The sexy Frolic in some SG Merch!

I LOVE Frolic!

I got to shoot a new set of Zombie! I'm so happy she finally went pink!

What a babe Zombie is!

I got to shoot the lovely Casanova too!

Casanova, and Zombie perving

I tried to dye my hair orange again, at first it came out super red!

We had an 80's themed party! Dimples & Damsel!


The next morning I woke up & shot Tierney

I LOVEEE her new look!

I can't wait for everyone to see this set too! Soon Soon!

Then it was time to shoot the adorable Vayda!

Dinner at Lemongrass!

The next day I got to shoot a few sets of Dimples for Zivity

One of the sets is ready for your viewing pleasure here!

Next up was another brand new girl who has yet to pick a name!

Once she does, I'm sure you won't forget it! This girl is fantastic!

My cover of Lass finally came out!

with a nice little feature inside!

Still Red!

I got to shoot a bit of fun stuff with Radeo!

The first snow of the season!

We had an amazing Christmas too!

Durb got me Black Milk Star Wars leggings! SOOO happy!

Christmas dinner with friends & family!

Rouge, King, Erin & Rourke at Durb's Birthday party on Friday

One more form Durb's Birthday...
and we are 100% up to date!
It's been an incredible year, I feel like I've learned a lot and have sooo much to look forward too! Thanks to everyone for making this year the best! Love you all!
See you in 2013!

January 7-9th - CHICAGO, IL
January 25-31st - AUSTIN, TX
you gotta get your ass to Canada, lady!