As my friends here may have noticed
I have a problem with trying to focus
my mind is bending, chiming, beating
& when i don't rhyme I think I'm cheating.
some weeks ago when out & drinking
i met a friend who got me thinking
she spat & swore & moaned & muttered
she was chanting every word she uttered
Dri-ink, dri-ink, dri-ink, dri-ink, dri-ink
fri-end, fri-end, fri-end, fri-end, fri-end
so i did.
when i woke up i found myself rhyming
like the bells in the church that beside me where chiming
ding dong ding dong ding dong
except they were wrong
(though their sound was quite merry)
i had, in fact, been drinking at Cherry
i am mad, i am mad in love
I have a problem with trying to focus
my mind is bending, chiming, beating
& when i don't rhyme I think I'm cheating.
some weeks ago when out & drinking
i met a friend who got me thinking
she spat & swore & moaned & muttered
she was chanting every word she uttered
Dri-ink, dri-ink, dri-ink, dri-ink, dri-ink
fri-end, fri-end, fri-end, fri-end, fri-end
so i did.
when i woke up i found myself rhyming
like the bells in the church that beside me where chiming
ding dong ding dong ding dong
except they were wrong
(though their sound was quite merry)
i had, in fact, been drinking at Cherry
i am mad, i am mad in love

the little red faerie doth rise & creep
To bestow on each of our page'
sweet gifts of prose and sage
In an effort to return the favour
I give you some to keep and savour:
Piss on that cheery spark!
Defect! Embrace the dark!
For i smell the witch in you,
but this talk of love makes me want to
p.s. they kicked me out of the goth club too....i smile too much.
[Edited on Sep 02, 2003]