I was taught, when there is something you can change around, keep quite you got nothing to complain about, you got work to do. I dont know if that work for you but thats how I work it through. And my work is personal, Im a working person I put in work I work with purpose.
More Blogs
Wednesday May 12, 2010
Philly High School is disgusting!!! http://www.wired.com/threatlevel… -
Wednesday May 12, 2010
SG Poverty Challenge. Join us at Kiva and change one persons life. … -
Wednesday May 12, 2010
Thank you SG!! The SG girls have been amazing helping us out, keep i… -
Tuesday May 11, 2010
Twitter for a cause! Would everyone twitter this code and help us a… -
Tuesday May 11, 2010
Can I just say, for a bunch of out of the box girls, SG's are the rad… -
Monday May 10, 2010
Ah i hate the penguins!!! 4-3, we are still up one! -
Monday May 10, 2010
Yeahhh!! Habs up 4-2!! -
Monday May 10, 2010
Hell yeah! Habs up 3-2!! -
Friday May 07, 2010
Vangaurd on Current TV is the best show ever! -
Friday May 07, 2010
You know what I hate? Sometimes all a guy needs is a burrito, only t…