it's been a pretty shitty week at work.
the days aren't insanely long...but the work is such that even in small doses you go insane. plus i hate working with only women. don't get me wrong. i love women. sexy, independent, funny, geeky, smart, awesome women. i don't hate pathetic, clingy, bitchy, gossiping women who would rather insult or judge you before offering a sympathetic ear or a helping hand. i mean...why is it that women are so mean to each other?
the other morning i was making fun of my husband. when we left the gas station he had said something to the guy and their exchange made me giggle. it was something insane like
guy at gas station: have a good night, man
husband: thanks. you too, man
it just tickled me. why is it that women hate to be friendly with other women? or want to see other women fail? it's so nasty. which is part of why i love this site. the women are cooler. friendlier. definitely sexier.
anyway. work is so full of drama...and i don't want to sound bitchy...but i just don't care. i have enough legit drama in my life...and i tend to get sucked into it pretty easily. so i'm trying not to. and i'm trying to grow some balls and stand up for myself. someday i'll be able to.
in the meantime i'll come on here to bitch. and of course enjoy a glass of wine while looking at some smoking hot naked women. my hair colored...don't have a good pic of it yet...but here's the general idea...went with blonde highlights in the red hair instead of choosing one over the other

the days aren't insanely long...but the work is such that even in small doses you go insane. plus i hate working with only women. don't get me wrong. i love women. sexy, independent, funny, geeky, smart, awesome women. i don't hate pathetic, clingy, bitchy, gossiping women who would rather insult or judge you before offering a sympathetic ear or a helping hand. i mean...why is it that women are so mean to each other?
the other morning i was making fun of my husband. when we left the gas station he had said something to the guy and their exchange made me giggle. it was something insane like
guy at gas station: have a good night, man
husband: thanks. you too, man
it just tickled me. why is it that women hate to be friendly with other women? or want to see other women fail? it's so nasty. which is part of why i love this site. the women are cooler. friendlier. definitely sexier.
anyway. work is so full of drama...and i don't want to sound bitchy...but i just don't care. i have enough legit drama in my life...and i tend to get sucked into it pretty easily. so i'm trying not to. and i'm trying to grow some balls and stand up for myself. someday i'll be able to.
in the meantime i'll come on here to bitch. and of course enjoy a glass of wine while looking at some smoking hot naked women. my hair colored...don't have a good pic of it yet...but here's the general idea...went with blonde highlights in the red hair instead of choosing one over the other

I try. I try!
oh and how you succeed!