it's been a good weekend. and it's time for a completely random update on my life...
there's a lot of shit happening between my family and myself that has kept me upset for a while...but it's been a good few days with the husband and stepson. when the stepson laughs it's like everything that was ever wrong or unfair or sad in the world is unimportant and i know that it's all going to be okay.
i feel like that when the husband holds my hand too...but there's something so innocent and magical about kids.
in other random news i'm still losing weight. while that's normally awesome (and it is still) for a's also frustrating. i find that i'm constantly in between sizes and what used to look awesome on me now looks...awkward. but i haven't lost enough (or kept it off for enough time) to warrant buying new clothes.
this tuesday is valentine's day. i'm 27. got married in september. and this year will be my first year with a valentine. i've liked the holiday always...i'm a hopeless romantic no matter how cynical i wanted to be...but i love all the heart crap and the pink. and i find that this year...i'm not as excited about all the crap that i used to be...i mean the glittery hearts still make me smile...but it's more about....i'm not sure. i don't want to be cliche and say that i finally understand the manufactured holiday about showing somebody how much you's nice to finally have somebody to look forward to coming home to. to going out to dinner with.
i guess it's all the hype that's reminded me that i'm lucky to have the husband on valentine's day...but every other day of the year too.
we aren't celebrating by doing anything crazy. heading for sushi at the place we had our first date. and a sexy bra and panties...but other than that...just a quiet night with each other.
i'm pretty excited.
if the weekend has to least i have something sweet to look forward to.
there's a lot of shit happening between my family and myself that has kept me upset for a while...but it's been a good few days with the husband and stepson. when the stepson laughs it's like everything that was ever wrong or unfair or sad in the world is unimportant and i know that it's all going to be okay.
i feel like that when the husband holds my hand too...but there's something so innocent and magical about kids.
in other random news i'm still losing weight. while that's normally awesome (and it is still) for a's also frustrating. i find that i'm constantly in between sizes and what used to look awesome on me now looks...awkward. but i haven't lost enough (or kept it off for enough time) to warrant buying new clothes.
this tuesday is valentine's day. i'm 27. got married in september. and this year will be my first year with a valentine. i've liked the holiday always...i'm a hopeless romantic no matter how cynical i wanted to be...but i love all the heart crap and the pink. and i find that this year...i'm not as excited about all the crap that i used to be...i mean the glittery hearts still make me smile...but it's more about....i'm not sure. i don't want to be cliche and say that i finally understand the manufactured holiday about showing somebody how much you's nice to finally have somebody to look forward to coming home to. to going out to dinner with.
i guess it's all the hype that's reminded me that i'm lucky to have the husband on valentine's day...but every other day of the year too.
we aren't celebrating by doing anything crazy. heading for sushi at the place we had our first date. and a sexy bra and panties...but other than that...just a quiet night with each other.
i'm pretty excited.
if the weekend has to least i have something sweet to look forward to.
I love OUR pictures!