well, lets see....
I have a big blister on my pinky toe. I got the blister thursday night at capoeira, and then worked 16 hours (lots of walking) on friday...so saturday and sunday I worked in "grip socks" aka those socks witht he ruberized treads on the bottoms.... ouch.
why do the littlest things hurt so f-ing much? this thing 0.5 cm diameter made me limp.
its all dead-skin and callous now, yay! (ugly but pain free!)
I'm really, really out of shape.
but in good news, there was an article in the wall street journal, I think the "personal journal" section about how they're saying that mild asthmatics don't need to be on inhaled steroids all the time-- mild being people with symptoms less than 2-6 days a week.
very interesting. the party line was --since 1997 that you needed to be on corticosteroids 24-7 to prevent long term damage to the lungs from wheezing/symptoms.
My policy of wheezing my way through life has been vindicated by the wall street journal!
not that I sat there reading the wall street journal and found this article... it was open on my mom's kitchen table to that page when I was at her house doing laundry after school.
personally I question the theory that for a mild asthmatic the long term use of various inhalers might not produce damage equivilent or worse than the effects of periodic wheezing.
not that I'm saying I'll give up on albuterol.....
aaaah albuterol the asthmatic's friend....
I have a big blister on my pinky toe. I got the blister thursday night at capoeira, and then worked 16 hours (lots of walking) on friday...so saturday and sunday I worked in "grip socks" aka those socks witht he ruberized treads on the bottoms.... ouch.
why do the littlest things hurt so f-ing much? this thing 0.5 cm diameter made me limp.
its all dead-skin and callous now, yay! (ugly but pain free!)
I'm really, really out of shape.
but in good news, there was an article in the wall street journal, I think the "personal journal" section about how they're saying that mild asthmatics don't need to be on inhaled steroids all the time-- mild being people with symptoms less than 2-6 days a week.
very interesting. the party line was --since 1997 that you needed to be on corticosteroids 24-7 to prevent long term damage to the lungs from wheezing/symptoms.
My policy of wheezing my way through life has been vindicated by the wall street journal!
not that I sat there reading the wall street journal and found this article... it was open on my mom's kitchen table to that page when I was at her house doing laundry after school.
personally I question the theory that for a mild asthmatic the long term use of various inhalers might not produce damage equivilent or worse than the effects of periodic wheezing.
not that I'm saying I'll give up on albuterol.....

aaaah albuterol the asthmatic's friend....
"grip socks" so that is what they are called. When I wear them around the house Ola calls me strange. Next time I'll just tell her you wear them at work so wearing them at home shouldnt be to bad.

Good thing your down there, I remember hearing on NPR, that up here in Springfield mass is like in the top 5 of worst places for an asthmatic to live.