Computers in Nursing Education:
Pre-course skills assessment
Define the list of terms necessary to understanding the Personal Computer. Then, using the PC, complete the following assignment, and SAVE the assignment as Pre-course assessment. Then PRINT the assignment and hand it in to your instructor along with this page.
1. Define the following terms:
>Disk Drive(s)
>Web Browser
2. Assignment:
A. Using the mouse, CLICK on the icon named "MS Word"
B. Type your name in the UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER.
C. Type the date on the line BELOW YOUR NAME.
D. ITALICIZE the date.
E. Recopy your definitions from #1 above, NUMBER THEM 1-10, and DOUBLE SPACE them.
F. SAVE and PRINT your document using the above file name.
yeah. I might need more time for this assignment. Seeing as how I don't have word. Not that I think they'll notice if I make my document in TextEdit.
at school they have a whole room full of desk top pentium IIs. I look at them and think...beowulf cluster. I dunno if it would be worth it tho....
they think I'm geeky now, and they've only seen like the tip of my geek iceburg....
I'm trying to think of definitions for disk drive and diskette that don't involve how totally obsolete they are.
anyway, I have may 6-9th off and hope to arrange some way to see people around then, especially since I'll be turning 29 on may 7th.
Computers in Nursing Education:
Pre-course skills assessment
Define the list of terms necessary to understanding the Personal Computer. Then, using the PC, complete the following assignment, and SAVE the assignment as Pre-course assessment. Then PRINT the assignment and hand it in to your instructor along with this page.
1. Define the following terms:
>Disk Drive(s)
>Web Browser
2. Assignment:
A. Using the mouse, CLICK on the icon named "MS Word"
B. Type your name in the UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER.
C. Type the date on the line BELOW YOUR NAME.
D. ITALICIZE the date.
E. Recopy your definitions from #1 above, NUMBER THEM 1-10, and DOUBLE SPACE them.
F. SAVE and PRINT your document using the above file name.
yeah. I might need more time for this assignment. Seeing as how I don't have word. Not that I think they'll notice if I make my document in TextEdit.
at school they have a whole room full of desk top pentium IIs. I look at them and think...beowulf cluster. I dunno if it would be worth it tho....
they think I'm geeky now, and they've only seen like the tip of my geek iceburg....
I'm trying to think of definitions for disk drive and diskette that don't involve how totally obsolete they are.
anyway, I have may 6-9th off and hope to arrange some way to see people around then, especially since I'll be turning 29 on may 7th.
enjoy the easy cornputer course. it only gets infinitely harder from there

i'd like to be there for the birthday lickings