hello world.
since they are saying it might snow starting tomorrow night at 7pm, there is a disticnt possibliity that they may keep me at work (the nursing home) over night if not enought staff manages to get their stupid so forwarned late asses into the building on time. I think i stated that rather neutrally. heh.
we were all planning to bring in lots of food and have a staff potluck feast anyway, so this way we'll be set for food. they just changed the assignments around at work so THE most annoying, time consuming person on the floor is now on the same assignment with two of the most time consuming (but nice). The assignment now looks like the joke assignment we made up on april fools day. Great.
at least there will be food.
and me in this ladies room going
{*aum ah hum vajra guru padma sidi hum*in head
"yes, I will bring you to bingo at 6:45" I say.
"what time will they come and get me because last time they left me there all alone and it was terrible" says lady. [I was there last time for the last year and a volunteer always brings her back on time]
"I'll be there at 8:00"*aum aum aum aum....*
repeat the part in {} about ten times. then I go up to the desk and she calls the desk, assuming I'm another person, and arranges ten times to be brought to bingo at 6:45.
if one perchance were to say, oh,honey, a volunteer always brings you back ontime, though true, this statement is wrong in this ladies universe and will provoke a mild, but agravating anxiety attack on her part that will kill another 30 minutes until you repeat 40 times that you will be there at 7:45, and no you can't stay during the whole bingo with her, there are about 5 people your going to help get into bed in that time.
I know she sounds autistic, but this is actually a combo of super anxiety disorder and moderate dementia.
okay, I'm done venting.
and they say I'm the nice patient one out of most of our shift....
little do they know.
they're always so surprised to see my tattoos.
since they are saying it might snow starting tomorrow night at 7pm, there is a disticnt possibliity that they may keep me at work (the nursing home) over night if not enought staff manages to get their stupid so forwarned late asses into the building on time. I think i stated that rather neutrally. heh.
we were all planning to bring in lots of food and have a staff potluck feast anyway, so this way we'll be set for food. they just changed the assignments around at work so THE most annoying, time consuming person on the floor is now on the same assignment with two of the most time consuming (but nice). The assignment now looks like the joke assignment we made up on april fools day. Great.
at least there will be food.
and me in this ladies room going
{*aum ah hum vajra guru padma sidi hum*in head
"yes, I will bring you to bingo at 6:45" I say.
"what time will they come and get me because last time they left me there all alone and it was terrible" says lady. [I was there last time for the last year and a volunteer always brings her back on time]
"I'll be there at 8:00"*aum aum aum aum....*
repeat the part in {} about ten times. then I go up to the desk and she calls the desk, assuming I'm another person, and arranges ten times to be brought to bingo at 6:45.
if one perchance were to say, oh,honey, a volunteer always brings you back ontime, though true, this statement is wrong in this ladies universe and will provoke a mild, but agravating anxiety attack on her part that will kill another 30 minutes until you repeat 40 times that you will be there at 7:45, and no you can't stay during the whole bingo with her, there are about 5 people your going to help get into bed in that time.
I know she sounds autistic, but this is actually a combo of super anxiety disorder and moderate dementia.
okay, I'm done venting.
and they say I'm the nice patient one out of most of our shift....
little do they know.
they're always so surprised to see my tattoos.