@missy @rambo @lyxzen
Let's face it, we all have at least one person who can't stand us. Our failures bring them joy & our successes piss them off. They LOVE to talk about us, yet they're silent as a mouse when we walk by. These people are called haters, and dealing with them is quite simple!
How, you ask? By being your best self!
Loving yourself & doing your best in life are crucial to your happiness. Coincidentally, it's like salt on a slug to your haters! Not only do you neglect to acknowledge these miserable people, you build your self esteem to a point where nothing they say even scratches the surface of your mind. Haters LOVE it when you confront them. That's what they do it for, to get a nasty reaction they can later use to make you look bad. So do you, and do it so well that they feel the burn! 🔥🔥🔥
Maybe they'll be inspired to get on your level. Help a hater today!
XO 💋