Ah...somedays you get your dick caught in the door. Alot of the girls who get naked on this site have classic stockholm syndrome. Now I can believe that missy harbors no ill will when her and her people turn down but people need to realize that we all aren't Brody Dalle's. Its just a fact of reality. I know I am not a hotty. Shit...
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i'm respectfully disagreeing with you, i'm not trying to be a bitch. i see that you're fairly new, and that's cool. hopefully you hang out for awhile. but it's a good idea to not go pissing people off with your opinions that aren't as well researched as they could be. i mean, i'm about to shoot my set and i'm a size 20. not to say i'm definitely going to be a suicidegirl, but it was the staff who's apparently so "thincentric" who's giving me the opportunity. there's almost 450 girls now, finding the bigger ones takes some effort. but they're there. and there will be more. there can't be heavier SGs if no heavier girls apply, and only recently have alot of curvier girls felt comfortable enough to apply. things'll be different in the future, i'm sure.

anyway, enjoy your time here. smile
you're right. but this is a business just like any other, and you know what they say... sex sells. and unfortunately most of the world, even the liberal punk rock alternative world, would rather have sex with a size 8 than a size 18.

i didn't mean to come preach at you in your journal, i'm sorry if it came off that way. i just know how testy a whole group full of girls can be, LOL, and i wanted to step away from that for a second.
Heh...I'm pretty sure Aiden wants to kick my face in at this point. Well sometimes you have to say what you want without reprieve. So I said it..I can only hope that aiden reads it and drops me a new line.

Now on a completely different thought. SG Halloween party, mild letdown but still fun. I enjoyed it for the most part but I thought...
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Allow me to take this apart piece by piece for you.

"The world is not about sucking up. I don't suck up. If you don't like that thats not my fault." Um, i don't recall saying anything about sucking anything up. But good for you how you just contradicted yourself. Allow me to quote again from the PSW thread "Suck it up and realize this...." So yeah, I'm done with that now.

" As far as the whole PSW issue is its the damn truth. Missy can't sell chunky chicks or simply doesn't want to? I didn't say she was unattractive quite the oppisite I felt she is rather hot and my fiancee is would be a great addition to SG though she is a PSW." --Yeah but who the fuck are you to tell these girls "the truth"? Or rub it in after they've already been rejected? Fucking heartless.

"But I refuse to stand by and let these women blubber and whine like they did something wrong. Missy doesn't want it or can't sell it and thus it ain't gonna happen. This is just discrimantion based on sales. LIVE WITH IT. Don't come to me like I did something wrong go talk to missy her and her group." --Actually, I'm glad you know what Missy thinks. I'm sure she'd appreciate you putting words in her mouth.

My only problem was you being fucking rude. So stop it already. Your one month of membership doesn't entitle you to be a dick to people on this site. In fact, I don't know what exactly you think entitles you to be a dick to anyone on here.
Your point to me would have been so much better if you hadn't begun by insulting my grasp of the english language.

Bye. *waves* biggrin
Well there ya go people. sphinx just mentioned me in her journal and made me write up a new journal entry right now. So this saturday is the big costume party and I am doing my best scheming to change the ideal of my pimp costume to the voodoo king. If I can pull it off I shall become known as the king of BS...
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You just can't do that. Because then I'd fall on the floor laughing and I'd prolly get fired for acting like a dumbass. biggrin
you get a big E for effort from me.

Why do I have to be the poor stupid fuck to cause the unhappiness in poor Texas? I said she wasn't as attractive and now she is in a bad spiral. It wasn't just me though..it was a whole slew of factors I was just the straw that broke the poor camels back. Now I can only hope texas will get on SG or on...
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i was asleep when you messaged me. don't worry about it...it is really no big deal and it is not your fault. really it is not. i just have a lot of crap going on right now so i am kinda sensitive. plus i have always felt somewhat invisible on the site, but i still love it with all my heart. if i had better photosets they would get more comments...that is just the way it is and the way it should be. besides, i have had so many people tell me that i look way different and better in person than in my pictures and i know that is true too. my brain is just wired a bit different than most peoples, and in my sets i wanted to show i was far more than a punk girl. i did not want my sets to be cheesy generic punk rock sets because i thought it was pretty evident that i am passionate about punk and have been into ot for many years and am not some girl who went punk because it looked cool or to get punk guys to like me. so...i was not frustrated really that my sets get low comments, more frustrated how people were acting like i dropped out and was not punk because i did a set with my hair down or bacause my sets are not only about being punk. i was frustrated because i think it is really obvious i am not some girl into punk for lame reasons. i am 26 and have been doing this since i was 13. sadly, most girls don't stay into punk past the age of 21 or 22. so my frustration steamed from people not wanting to see the parts about me that separate me from the brody's and the nancy's of the punk world. no big deal really, so don't stress about it. i had a really cool and creative idea for my next set, but i am changing it to suit more what the viewer here wants to see. so expect in my next set to see my hair up and something a bit more...well...punk rock oriented. seriously though, don't feel bad about it. your opinion is very valid and you are the customer. any smart business strives to give the customer what it wants, and i guess i need to work on that if i want my sets to get more than a 150 comments.
FUCK IT! I am killing that jornal entry...
I want to give my fiance a good gift. She deserves something so nice and I haven't a clue what to get her...either way I met a new person today the quintessential punk, ED. Ed is one unique fuck and hopefully I'll see him again he seems pretty cool.
Time to write a new journal entry. What I want to do is buy my fiance a good gift but I haven't a clue what to get her. Also I want to get sphinx a copy of The Distillers Coral Fang on vinyl or with safe cover. I can get the safe cover easy...but if anybody got a spare copy on vinyl I would gladly...
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For the moment I am in with SGPitt so its all good. I want to see if anything good is going on in the group that may be fun to go to in this town. Having spent my entire life under a rock in this place I guess its time to get some damn friends and head out to get a life. Hopefully tomorrow I...
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Ah another day another post. I was down at the beehive (whatever it is now I guess) for 2 hours to read my book for an englit paper due on wed. Just for reference the beehive is the center of the counter-culture/hippy youth culture coffeehouse. Ultimately though the people who run it are just aging angry hippies. It was alright to sit and read at...
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WOO Two friends and one is one of the hottest suicide girls ever. Turns out I pretty much rock at these classes though they require more writing than I like but you gotta take what you can get. Anyways besides that I am on the prowl for a guitar. If anybody knows of a place on the internet or close to Pittsburgh, PA where guitars...
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Time for new journal entry I guess. I am back in college now and I feel worn the fuck out. I barely get rest but its ok it will all pay off in the end especially once I get out of this damn psychology class. I hate that class because it requires me to do strange experiments for an intro class.