i was watching a documentary the other night on peta. now i believe in preservation of animalsand treating pets humanely. its just the right thing to do. but, i cannot agree with the tactics used by peta to dissuade people from using fur or not eat kfc. to force people to think like peta or act like peta using terrorist acts or propaganda is a bunch of shit. i am not a well educated man, nor a righteous man, but i have my own mind with my own beliefs and thoughts. hell i can barely keep a yhought longer than 5 minutes, but what it boils down to is there is a natural order of things and it is not just humans that brutally kill just for the sake of killing. its called nature. i like animals, some i like to hang out with, some i like with special sauce and mashed potatoes on the side. so fuck anyone who cant accept that i dont want to believe every piece of bullshit they try to shove down my throat, ill make my own assesments and act as i see fit... ok tangeant is done, have a good one
I got home from work this evening to find my door had been kicked in and yes folks, my place had been robbed. they didnt take much... my ps3 and my laptop, which will take a month for me to replace. but, i now have a feeling like i do not want to leave my place in fear of it happening a second time. in the rush of yanking out my ps3, they destroyed my dvd player and my tv now is off color. im really pissed over this. to add insult to injury, the police will come sometime tomorrow to check it out.... my tax dollars hard at work. i need to go punch something.