I was at a dark bar I had been frequenting lately. It was quiet, only the murmur of conversations too faint to understand. I wasnt there to drink, mainly to relax. I sipped my soda as I read the newspaper. Turmoil and Tyrany were all the headlines. The world was not a happy place anymore. I had a feeling, as I sat and read, that I wasnt sitting alone. I kept getting the creepy crawlies up and down my arms, but, I couldnt figure out why. It wasnt a bad feeling, or something that was freaky or misplaced. On the contrary, it was comfortable, almost a sence of belonging and peace.
I was approached by this woman. She wasnt as pleasing to the eyes as she was sexy and exotic in her demeanor and manorism. Had it not been for the way she acted, she would have been unoticed in a crowd of plain women. She asked me for a light as she held a black cigarette to her lips. I obliged her and popped my zippo out of my pocket, lit her up and indulged in my marlboro light. She sat at my table uninvited and started conversation. She seemed to be well versed in her speech and very well educated. We spoke on topics that meant nothing until latenight.
The bar was closing and I stood up to wish her well and goodnight. I was somewhat bored at this point and she was persistant. She spoke of an allnight cafe that is only open to "Elite" people. People of good stature and influence were welcomed while the nobodies were oblivious to the exhistance of this place. Now, this intrigued me, I was curious so I accepted her invite thinking the whole time, that this had better not be a ploy to get me back to her place because it wasnt going to happen.
As we walked the street, I hadnt noticed she was heading me to a "dark" part of town. Where people go to be unseen and sometimes inadvertantly never seen again. We headed down the blackest alley and how she navigated us through the rubbish to the right doorway was beyond me. The door seemed to appear out of nowhere. In most cases I would have been too scared to even be there, but, I was surprisingly cool and collected, almost like I was where I belonged.
There was a dimly lit hallway and I could make out figures in the shadows. The smell of sex and something else I couldnt place wafted my nose. I got the chills, but not the bad kind. The chills you get when your lover runs nails gently down your back or whispers sweetly in your ear. Unmistakeable scent of sex, but, what was that other smell? It hit me in the face like a brick. I smelled death. I wasnt scared.
I felt invited, warm, comfortable. I didnt feel like I was where I shouldnt be, I was in my place. If anything, I couldnt get over how hungry I was feeling. I was shown from room to room. And each the scenario was pretty much the same, naked bodies doing splendid things to the point of culmination then a life is taken. Why wasnt I panicking or trying to escape? I didnt feel in the least bit threatened. I wasnt going to die.
I was taken to a room where there were about 12 young ladies completely naked and waiting. Each one was pale and barely cohearant. As I passed them, each offered herself to me. My host encouraged me to refresh myself. She told me about my hungers and how empty I was. How did she know about me? She explained that there are ones that are made and ones that are born. The "born" are only once every 500 years and I was he. Who? She said I knew exactly who I was and to not play dumb. I was safe here. She snatched this young brunette by the wrist and yanked her head to the side. I was told to do what my instinct guided me to do. So, I fed.
My body came alive all my sences went completely crazy. I was stuck between life and death and it was wonderful! I felt everything around me as if it were part of me. Its hard to explain this so I will try my best. Everything was drawn to me, alive and inanimate. It wanted to give itself to me, everything. This world belonged to me and it was my time. A god has awoken and all it took was blood. In the blink of am eye and in the instant I tasted precious crimson, I became omnipotent. I knew everything, including thoughts. I heard everything everyone was thinking, at the same time. Somehow my mind kept everything seperate and in order.
I dropped the lifeless body to the floor as I was offered another. I had alot of catching up to do. As I fed on the next offering all my questions were answered. No one said a word as my dormant knowledge of all things slowly came to life. I felt very powerful, physically, mentally nothing could be my equal. I dropped the next corpse as I toured the building. No one would look into my eyes because it was forbidden for the "changed ones" to see them. If they were to see something so pure without my allowing it, life to them would cease, in a very ugly way. There were more like me, many more, all conveigned in one place. It was my time to rule the earth and everything was mine. As the ones before me, I decided it was best to stay behind the scenes and just prompt people in the direction I wanted the earth to turn.
Many have wondered why with so much control by one person, why war wasnt stopped, why people starve, why is there murder. Life shouldnt be easy for anyone and pain is the strength of mortal man. People die and the strive to survive is what keeps the race moving. If everything were handed to people and life was easy, the blood would taste sour. That is what it comes down to, blood that fights to survive and propel its race has always tasted so sweet. Yes, wars have been promoted because man was weak and the blood was losing its luster. People die, some sooner than others, but, they all die.
My new female friend stood by my side completely humbled. She is a changed one and knew if I wished it she could perish as well. I had a new sence of arrogance, which I think I deserved. After all, I am a god.
I wrote this awhile back, was wondering what you all think... should I add to it?
I was approached by this woman. She wasnt as pleasing to the eyes as she was sexy and exotic in her demeanor and manorism. Had it not been for the way she acted, she would have been unoticed in a crowd of plain women. She asked me for a light as she held a black cigarette to her lips. I obliged her and popped my zippo out of my pocket, lit her up and indulged in my marlboro light. She sat at my table uninvited and started conversation. She seemed to be well versed in her speech and very well educated. We spoke on topics that meant nothing until latenight.
The bar was closing and I stood up to wish her well and goodnight. I was somewhat bored at this point and she was persistant. She spoke of an allnight cafe that is only open to "Elite" people. People of good stature and influence were welcomed while the nobodies were oblivious to the exhistance of this place. Now, this intrigued me, I was curious so I accepted her invite thinking the whole time, that this had better not be a ploy to get me back to her place because it wasnt going to happen.
As we walked the street, I hadnt noticed she was heading me to a "dark" part of town. Where people go to be unseen and sometimes inadvertantly never seen again. We headed down the blackest alley and how she navigated us through the rubbish to the right doorway was beyond me. The door seemed to appear out of nowhere. In most cases I would have been too scared to even be there, but, I was surprisingly cool and collected, almost like I was where I belonged.
There was a dimly lit hallway and I could make out figures in the shadows. The smell of sex and something else I couldnt place wafted my nose. I got the chills, but not the bad kind. The chills you get when your lover runs nails gently down your back or whispers sweetly in your ear. Unmistakeable scent of sex, but, what was that other smell? It hit me in the face like a brick. I smelled death. I wasnt scared.
I felt invited, warm, comfortable. I didnt feel like I was where I shouldnt be, I was in my place. If anything, I couldnt get over how hungry I was feeling. I was shown from room to room. And each the scenario was pretty much the same, naked bodies doing splendid things to the point of culmination then a life is taken. Why wasnt I panicking or trying to escape? I didnt feel in the least bit threatened. I wasnt going to die.
I was taken to a room where there were about 12 young ladies completely naked and waiting. Each one was pale and barely cohearant. As I passed them, each offered herself to me. My host encouraged me to refresh myself. She told me about my hungers and how empty I was. How did she know about me? She explained that there are ones that are made and ones that are born. The "born" are only once every 500 years and I was he. Who? She said I knew exactly who I was and to not play dumb. I was safe here. She snatched this young brunette by the wrist and yanked her head to the side. I was told to do what my instinct guided me to do. So, I fed.
My body came alive all my sences went completely crazy. I was stuck between life and death and it was wonderful! I felt everything around me as if it were part of me. Its hard to explain this so I will try my best. Everything was drawn to me, alive and inanimate. It wanted to give itself to me, everything. This world belonged to me and it was my time. A god has awoken and all it took was blood. In the blink of am eye and in the instant I tasted precious crimson, I became omnipotent. I knew everything, including thoughts. I heard everything everyone was thinking, at the same time. Somehow my mind kept everything seperate and in order.
I dropped the lifeless body to the floor as I was offered another. I had alot of catching up to do. As I fed on the next offering all my questions were answered. No one said a word as my dormant knowledge of all things slowly came to life. I felt very powerful, physically, mentally nothing could be my equal. I dropped the next corpse as I toured the building. No one would look into my eyes because it was forbidden for the "changed ones" to see them. If they were to see something so pure without my allowing it, life to them would cease, in a very ugly way. There were more like me, many more, all conveigned in one place. It was my time to rule the earth and everything was mine. As the ones before me, I decided it was best to stay behind the scenes and just prompt people in the direction I wanted the earth to turn.
Many have wondered why with so much control by one person, why war wasnt stopped, why people starve, why is there murder. Life shouldnt be easy for anyone and pain is the strength of mortal man. People die and the strive to survive is what keeps the race moving. If everything were handed to people and life was easy, the blood would taste sour. That is what it comes down to, blood that fights to survive and propel its race has always tasted so sweet. Yes, wars have been promoted because man was weak and the blood was losing its luster. People die, some sooner than others, but, they all die.
My new female friend stood by my side completely humbled. She is a changed one and knew if I wished it she could perish as well. I had a new sence of arrogance, which I think I deserved. After all, I am a god.
I wrote this awhile back, was wondering what you all think... should I add to it?
Do it.