I will miss you all for the time being, untill I get that awesome offer I keep hearing about. Today is my babies 3rd birthday. He's sucha sweetie. He's passed out now. We went swimming. Such the natural lullabye. At the end of last summer he was swimming alone, with his jacket. At his party, I let go of his hands and he started floating. He remembered how to do it. Now he loves it! Look at me! Look at me!! It's nice, not having to hold onto anyone anymore. But, you can't take your eyes off them. When we were leaving the pool yesterday he got in without his jacket on. He really thought he could do it. He can barely touch the ground, when he does his head is half way under. I didn't have to go jump in after him. but, when he got out I had to pat his back and he let out a big ol burp. The movers are coming tomorrow. I do not want to pay them, but I'll love not moving. My little room here is so full of shit. I have to bring over a dresser, or something. The kids' room is the same as it was, but they have too many clothes. I have to go through them and get rid of some. I still have a whole tote full of their clothes and their dressers are already packed. I set up the wireless home network. I was on the phone forever, but It's worth it. and we have a dvr in my room too. So, I still get to record my shows and the kids can watch tiv in here instead of in the living room. Well, my last blog. I'm sure I'll be back. Peace out
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Be safe.