so, I often don't comment on blogs, but I do read then. Well, the first little blurb. It's too much hasstle. Today was a good day. slept in a bit. Had some delicious bbq for lunch, came home. Read some of my magazines. Took a nap. We had a birthday party. The boys had a blast, playing in the sprinklers and water balloons and squirt guns. Brody passed out on the way home. around 7:30. We planned on going to the grocery store, so I still went. Caden pushed the little kid cart and helped me shop. since I was holding a semi-wet passed out Brods. Caden was such a great helper. He was so proud of himself. I was too. He missed his dad on the way home. I let him call, but he got the machine, left him the cutest message. He misses him. He's been acting out a bit. Not sure if it's more than normal or not. maybe I'm just taking it a little more becuase of the circumstances. But, overall they are doing good. still have lots of packing to do. I'm getting movers, which I may regret. I think it will be about 400$ they are going to pack the apt. and my storage and move it all into a larger storage. I think it will be worth it??? They will pack it way better than I would. Well, better get packing. I hope all you daddies out there have a good one.
Our house is all empty an echoing....we are at a friends right now... we leave for visiting on weds. Then it in the air on the 9th!! weeee!!!