thank you to the few who knew. I knew that there was a difference, just not sure what it was. So, Ryan comes home wen night. Kind of sad at the same time. He'll be home 6 days, then gone again and the last time I will see him at home. We see him one more time at the farewell ceremony. Caden got sick last night. I thought he had a flu, but he ended up sleeping all night. He only threw up 2x before bed. I thought I was going to be up all night with him. Luckily he seems to be doing better. I did keep them both out of school. So, I think I'm stuck in this little apt. for a while. I just need to keep it clean or I will explode.
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Should my ceiling fan be turning left or right for the summer?? -
Thursday May 17, 2007
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Monday May 14, 2007
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Saturday May 12, 2007
I'm doing a fundraiser for my National Guard Unit's Family Support. S… -
Tuesday May 08, 2007
Thank you all so very much for my birthday wishes. I never ever check… -
Wednesday May 02, 2007
Happy Wen. everyone!! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Ours was… -
Wednesday Apr 25, 2007
Yay!!! I get to drop off the boys at the grandparents tomorrow night.… -
Sunday Apr 22, 2007
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Tuesday Apr 17, 2007
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Monday Apr 16, 2007
We made sure to have no plans this weekend. Ryan wanted to hang out a…
I'm sorry things are sad right now. I hope the deployment goes by lightening quick!
Make each day count while you're together. He'll be home for good before you know it.