So, I'm sitting at home all alone on a monday morning?? Brody has his first day of school today!!! pre-school of course, but still a big deal. With Caden I waited until he was almost 4 before he went. Brody's not as smart as Caden was, and their driving me fucking nutts all day. So, I thought I better fork over the extra dough. His class is right next door to his brothers, but they don't see one another. I dropped Caden off then took Brody to his class. He didn't really want to sit down. I sat him down for circle time. He didn't say anything, Then it was snack time-already at like 9:15?? Everyone had to wash their hands. Brody didn't want to go so his teacher let him do the hand sanitizer. They got graham crackers. He was doing okay, so I went to tell him good-bye. He got up and said "I wanna go home". I tried to get him to sit down, he wanted some water. He got his little cup of water, so as he was eating and drinking, I quietly snuck out the door. I had to go to usps, and stand inline for 15min. to get 40 2cent stamps, went to walmart for Papa's bday. about 10:30 I went back to check on him. His class was playing outside. (which he loves) I snuck to the teacher, she said he did good. He cried after I left, tried to go to the door, but after a few min. he was fine. He's set up for mon and wen. which will be hard becuase Caden goes on Fridays, but they don't have room for Brody. So, he's probably going to get confused when he goes home with me on friday. I can't believe my babies are so big. Well, I only have 1 hour left, so better get something done.
Don't forget to check out mark make a list of what you want and let me know. you can email me at
Don't forget to check out mark make a list of what you want and let me know. you can email me at
