So, my first day w/o Ryan. Not too bad. I had a dmv appt. and a parent/teacher conference. Both went well. Caden is doing great. The only thing he's lacking is confidence. Which I see at home too sometimes. Well, not actually at home, but when we're with other people, or even Dada. He gets imbarassed. But, he likes to write his name, can count past 10, knows to step around a puzzle to get to a toy, instead of stepping on the puzzle, is very nice to everyone, knows when to ask for help, can't zip up his jacket, etc. She said he will be more than ready for kindergarten. That's good to hear. I didn't think it would be so in depth. She had a little packet just for him, that she answered questions about him. Just regular preschool acheivements. I was glad to hear that after I drop him off, he really likes school and has a great time.
I had to pay my tags today. I lost the bill they sent me, so I had to make and apt. to go inside. It didnt' take long after I realized I still had to wait in the "start here" line. And, it was a bit cheaper than I remembered.
So, I bought tickets to Disney on Ice for the boys and I. I have an extra ticket since Ryan's not home. It's on Valentine's Day. I think my mom will come with us. They're pretty good seats. Got them on ebay. I love ebay!!
I had a message on my machine last night from my friend asking me to call her back becuase she had a favor to ask
ugg, I almost didn't, but then I felt bad. Her Uncle died a couple days ago and her and her sibling have to go to Santa Cruz, so she wanted to know if I would watch her olldest (3), ALLDAY from like 5am to 5pm. Of course I said yes. He's not a bad kid, I'm just uncomfertable babysitting. I feel too wierd telling other kids what to do. Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can go to the park.
We should be getting the rest of our taxes back this week!!! We don't get to see any of it. Going straight to debt. But, it feels good. That will make us almost half out of debt.
I feel so bad that I just love to hold Brody and cuddle him, he's still so little and squishy. Caden's so big and lanky, it's not the same to squeeze him. But,he's fun in other ways. Today I was telling him what the teacher said, and I asked him how come he was so nice to his friends, but not with his brother. He kind of thought about it and said "it's too hard" I said what? it's too hard to be mean to your brother and your friends? He said "no, it's too hard to be nice at home and at school" Crazy kiddo. Well, that sounds me off. Except I took the boys to see arthur and the Invisibles, it was very cool. I had no idea there were so many well known actors doing the voices. Madonna is the princess, jimmy fallon is the brother, and David Bowie is Evil M. It's worth a watch. Have a great week everyone.
I had to pay my tags today. I lost the bill they sent me, so I had to make and apt. to go inside. It didnt' take long after I realized I still had to wait in the "start here" line. And, it was a bit cheaper than I remembered.
So, I bought tickets to Disney on Ice for the boys and I. I have an extra ticket since Ryan's not home. It's on Valentine's Day. I think my mom will come with us. They're pretty good seats. Got them on ebay. I love ebay!!
I had a message on my machine last night from my friend asking me to call her back becuase she had a favor to ask

We should be getting the rest of our taxes back this week!!! We don't get to see any of it. Going straight to debt. But, it feels good. That will make us almost half out of debt.
I feel so bad that I just love to hold Brody and cuddle him, he's still so little and squishy. Caden's so big and lanky, it's not the same to squeeze him. But,he's fun in other ways. Today I was telling him what the teacher said, and I asked him how come he was so nice to his friends, but not with his brother. He kind of thought about it and said "it's too hard" I said what? it's too hard to be mean to your brother and your friends? He said "no, it's too hard to be nice at home and at school" Crazy kiddo. Well, that sounds me off. Except I took the boys to see arthur and the Invisibles, it was very cool. I had no idea there were so many well known actors doing the voices. Madonna is the princess, jimmy fallon is the brother, and David Bowie is Evil M. It's worth a watch. Have a great week everyone.

Here you can listen to the complete album, it rocks so hard.