The Cramps are playing on Halloween and I really Super want to go. But, I would have to leave my boys by 7 or so to go. But, we go to the "Downtown Stroll" in Vacaville. I think it starts at 5. So, I could do that, but we also go to this neighborhood that decorates like crazy and I'd miss that. But, Ryan doesn't want to go to the Cramps so he could take them. Halloween is my favorite Holiday and I feel bad leaving my boys. But, I haven't gone to see the Cramps in like 6 years and I'm sure one of them will be dyhing sometime in the near future...What to do??
We got paid today. Time to dish it out amongst bills. We got paid extra for when Ryan was in Korea. Instead of using it for bills or more food...really stupid shit for ourselves, we are going to go xmas shopping. We won't have any xtra funds from now untill then, so we might as well use it. And we have to go shopping NOW. Because we do not know how to save money. It will end up getting used for eating out, gas...etc. Of course I have no clue what to get anyone. And I know after I buy it now in Dec. I'm going to find something better. But, I guess I can always exchange it. I need to make a list of who to buy for. I always wish we had a bigger family, but not when presents are involved. And we have 3 bdays this month.
Today I have to call Local Retailers and see if they will be willing to donate to our Unit Fund for the Xmas party. I hate doing this shit. I'm not the leader type. I do not like to do this crap.
We got paid today. Time to dish it out amongst bills. We got paid extra for when Ryan was in Korea. Instead of using it for bills or more food...really stupid shit for ourselves, we are going to go xmas shopping. We won't have any xtra funds from now untill then, so we might as well use it. And we have to go shopping NOW. Because we do not know how to save money. It will end up getting used for eating out, gas...etc. Of course I have no clue what to get anyone. And I know after I buy it now in Dec. I'm going to find something better. But, I guess I can always exchange it. I need to make a list of who to buy for. I always wish we had a bigger family, but not when presents are involved. And we have 3 bdays this month.
Today I have to call Local Retailers and see if they will be willing to donate to our Unit Fund for the Xmas party. I hate doing this shit. I'm not the leader type. I do not like to do this crap.

Well I gave up the white bread for like 5 years, but it was on sale for $.50 a loaf, I couldn't resist and bought 8 loaves. I fell in love with it all over again, it is all I want to eat, you just can't have that kind of fun with wheat. I like to eat the crust off first and then make shapes and squish it up.

go see the Cramps before one of them dies!