So....last night I watched Jericho....very good. I was so intregued. And skeet uldrich or whatever is sooo fucking hot!!!!
Luckily for me my cbs comes on one hour earlier, so I was able to watch Criminal Minds as well. It's a good show. Nothing too special though...just like all the other criminal shows. that was it for me. I recommend Jericho. Tonight is of course Survivor. I believe I will be watching CSI, and/or My name is Earl (same time slot for me), Grey's Anatomy. I think I'm going to pass on Six degrees. I'll probably watch the first few min. to see how that is.
My mom friend came over today. She's really nice, I'm pretty sure I like her. We are planning on a family dinner next week, for our hubbies to meet eachother. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully well, Ryan's a bit of a snob. He doesn't like most people. Not that I can blame him. People in general tend to suck. but, you gotta let your guard town sometimes. We took the boys to McDonald's for lunch. They played all around for like 1 1/5 hours. Now mine are laying on the floor watching toons, hopefully asleep by now.
It's wierd seeing my new friend with her kids...somehow makes me realize that my kids are soo great! Her's are nto bad at all, but It just reminds me that I'm a little too tough on them for no reason. Sometimes I just expect Caden to be a 6 y/o already. It's actually pretty great!! My friend is a good mom too. That's good. I hate when you meet someone who just has a different parenting stradagy than you. I'm all out. Have a great rest of the day!!!

My mom friend came over today. She's really nice, I'm pretty sure I like her. We are planning on a family dinner next week, for our hubbies to meet eachother. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully well, Ryan's a bit of a snob. He doesn't like most people. Not that I can blame him. People in general tend to suck. but, you gotta let your guard town sometimes. We took the boys to McDonald's for lunch. They played all around for like 1 1/5 hours. Now mine are laying on the floor watching toons, hopefully asleep by now.
It's wierd seeing my new friend with her kids...somehow makes me realize that my kids are soo great! Her's are nto bad at all, but It just reminds me that I'm a little too tough on them for no reason. Sometimes I just expect Caden to be a 6 y/o already. It's actually pretty great!! My friend is a good mom too. That's good. I hate when you meet someone who just has a different parenting stradagy than you. I'm all out. Have a great rest of the day!!!
mommas are the best.
your kids are going to think that too