So, for the next few weeks I will be talking about the shows I'm watching. This is how lame I am. So, last night was the new show "the class" it was a little iffy, but some funny parts + John Ritters son stars in it. Then how i met your mother...the episode was kinda lame, but the show was good. and "two 1/2 men" pretty good, "the old adventures of the new christine" I really like that show. Tonight I like "Standoff" It's about negotiators who are dating. The guy is Burger from sex and the city. It's been on for 2 weeks. And Law and Order SVU starts tonight. CI also, but I don't care for that one anymore. The dect. is way too smug. One bummer is I'm going to get all into "standoff" then Veronica Mars comes back on in Oct. in the same time slot. I gotta go with Veronica. I have 2 more disks of last season to watch. I watched 3 episodes back to back today. I don't even know what my kids were up to
So, if you agree or disagree or found another show you tihnk I should be watching let me know!!

So, if you agree or disagree or found another show you tihnk I should be watching let me know!!