I wouldn't read this if I were you.
So, I have the day free, and I'm suppost to go to Cache Creek (casino) with a friend. She was suppost to pick me up at 11. It's 12:18. What a bitch. It's the same lady that I'm dealing with about the house. I'm just going to forget her. She does owe us money though. It's been 9 months, it's probably safe to say we're not getting the house. I need her to give us the money back, and get a job so we can afford to move to a bigger place and pay off our bills. I've been waititng to move into this house and not pay rent..so I can put the rent money towards our bills, but this is just not going to happen. Too good to be true, indeed. oh my phone is ringing...it's her. She's been busy "rippin and running around". So, no Cache Creek for me. Now the story is....she's going to get a house around here...(since she's sick, she can be close to her docs, instead of in tahoe like she was planing). I told her, why even move out just stay there. but, she doens't want to live there. So, I just told her..I just want to know what's going on. I just want it to be over. First she was going to give us our money back on tues. now she says hopefully by the end of the month. I just can't be mean. I hate it. I really need that money. I'm not going to die w/o it, but I got a lot of bills that need paying. So, I'm off to return some shit to get money back in my account. I hate this shit. Well...my man will be home before I know it. Unfortunantly we won't be taking our be-lated hoenymoon. I feel so bad...he makes all the money and I ruin it. I need a job. Maybe I'll go apply somewhere.
So, I have the day free, and I'm suppost to go to Cache Creek (casino) with a friend. She was suppost to pick me up at 11. It's 12:18. What a bitch. It's the same lady that I'm dealing with about the house. I'm just going to forget her. She does owe us money though. It's been 9 months, it's probably safe to say we're not getting the house. I need her to give us the money back, and get a job so we can afford to move to a bigger place and pay off our bills. I've been waititng to move into this house and not pay rent..so I can put the rent money towards our bills, but this is just not going to happen. Too good to be true, indeed. oh my phone is ringing...it's her. She's been busy "rippin and running around". So, no Cache Creek for me. Now the story is....she's going to get a house around here...(since she's sick, she can be close to her docs, instead of in tahoe like she was planing). I told her, why even move out just stay there. but, she doens't want to live there. So, I just told her..I just want to know what's going on. I just want it to be over. First she was going to give us our money back on tues. now she says hopefully by the end of the month. I just can't be mean. I hate it. I really need that money. I'm not going to die w/o it, but I got a lot of bills that need paying. So, I'm off to return some shit to get money back in my account. I hate this shit. Well...my man will be home before I know it. Unfortunantly we won't be taking our be-lated hoenymoon. I feel so bad...he makes all the money and I ruin it. I need a job. Maybe I'll go apply somewhere.
I understand completely. But, I happen to be very good at being mean. What's her number?