Tales of a mad housewife: Got a late start on sleep last night so i took a tylonalpm. Knowing that shit knocks me out I brilliantly set out the boys breakfast and drinks so they wouldn't have to wake me. When I do wake up I find that they put cereal in the fishbowl (the fish are only 2 days new), deoderant on the tv, and sidwalk paint on the carpet. Ugghhh....and I thought I was being smart. I hadn't bought a fish scooper so I couldn't get them out. I was able to get the paint out of the carpet. The rest of the day was similar. Everyone was whining and fighting all day. But, I did get a nice big nap. So, I'm racking my brain trying to think of a concept for a shoot to submit. At first I thought I would use Ryan's tank and /or humvee. That would be hot right?? And who the hell else has access to a tank??? But, there are houses that would be able to see me, not to mention two baseball fields on both sides. And if we drive it into the armory the lighting will suck. I know they say that they want your personality to shine.....I have no personality. I don't have a niche, hobby, job, collection, nothing. I do however have a photographer. So, that's a start. I hope I can think of somthing good. If you have any suggestions, hit me up. I have no plans untill thursday night. Which I don't even know if I can make it. There's no school on monday. I do have to go grocery shopping. Okay---I'm going to try and hit the hay. I bid you all farwell......
sounds like most of my days!! wow.....wait until they figure out how well peanut butter sticks to shit 

Oh yes, I feel you! I am always finding new and strange things that my boys have done!