Thanx for the luck. I think it worked. I ended up trading in my 2000 focus, for a 2007 corolla. It's pretty nice. Nothing fancy. Power everything, but pretty basic, but It's brand new. So, that works out well. The pics from my camera phone we're a peanut mobile. I was driving to vacaville and that was on the freeway. I was swerving to and fro but had to get some pics. It was so huge. I don't even knwo what kind of car it was. Not like the bugs that are painted for merry maids or jelly belly. It had a huge ass Mr. Peanut on top. It was pretty neat. Any how I was at the dealership for 4 hours, sych...try 8 fucking hours!!! I have no clue why it took so long. It didn't seem that long. I only had Brody, he was so good. After 7 hours with no lunch or dinner, only chips, crackers, and goldfish I called his Nana and had him picked up. But, all in all a pretty good day.
Congrats on the new car!! Our new place is awesome!!