I'm going to attempt to trade in my car today
Since Ryan is gone, I have power of attorney, which means, I get to do everything myself. We usually get pretty screwed over. Last time, we wanted to trade in our focus for a bigger car, we ended up with the focus + a durango. I would like to trade them both for two newer cars, But we have close to 9,000 negative equity on the durango. At least I want to trade in the focus and lease something cheap. I want my bills lower. 700$/month for two cars is rediculous. We make a lot of money, but we never have any becuase we are so in debt. It's so stupid. I just hope I don't fuck us up even more. But, I'm not going to let them screw me. I know what I want, and I think that's going to help. NOt the vehicle, but I know what I can afford. I'm thinking about going to toyota first. I like the yaris, my man likes the new nissan versa, but it's a 1000 more and the gas is slightly lower than the yaris, but both have not been safety tested??? I would love a toyota *fuck* hybrid suv. I can not think of the name, but those are like 30,000. We'll see where I go. Maybe nowhere, but at least I can try. I hope everyone has a great day. only 10 more days till ryan comes home!!
I'm sorry to all of you who still have months to wait, I can't even imagine. I give you props

I'm sorry to all of you who still have months to wait, I can't even imagine. I give you props
I'm not sure what any of that meant but....good luck?
I have never owned a new-ish car. I love my ollllld car though. I was considering the Yaris myself- I love a cute little economy car.
Hope everything went well.