Almost time to go pick up the boys. I'm listening to Buckcherry. I so fucking love them. It's just such great rock n' roll. You should check them out, if you havne't already. All sex drugs and rock n' roll. When I was in high school my bf (still my bf) and I were going to get a tatoo of a skull and cross bones with sex, drugs, rock n' roll around it in bone lettering. I probably would still like it. So, my night alone wasn't a complete waist. I didn't do any cleaning, but I did put up a set on PSW. I'm so happy how it came out. Way better than I'd hoped. I can't wait for Ryan to come home. 4 weeks with no sex can be brutal. I can send him pictures of me, but he doesn't have a digital camera to do the same. At least I have you hot bods to look at. Buckcherry always makes me want to get laid. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I'll leave you with a few of my favorite pictures

Thanks for wishing me luck...and no, it isn't my first girl relationship
But yeah. Your hair is killer.