Okay, he's gone let's PARTY!!! J/K. I miss him so.
He arrived there around midnight cali time. and he still hasn't called me yet. I told him no matter what time. I think he might be having trouble with his cell. But, I called cingualr, they said it should work fine. But, I doubt it. Caden is going to school all week this week. We'll see how it goes. Well, I just looked at my email. Ryan emailed me, his phone is dead, but when he plugged it in he had no signal. So, I'm just glad he got there safely. A 12 hour flight. He said it wasn't too bad. Lots of food and movies. I'm going to try and lose some weight while he's gone. I don't even have a scale, I'm not sure how this will work. Caden can't play any video games today. He keeps calling his brother a Pee head, and then he poured some of his bottled water right in Brody's face(Brody was lying on the floor). For no reason at all. Which kind of sucks because now I have to find something else for him to do. Well, that's all I got. Smmoches

i know this is dumb but eh whats a lower lip crease?

I hear ya about being broke! I was trying really hard to save my mula but somehow it seems to slip away!!! Hope you and the boys have fun this weekend.