the weekend is almost over. I must admit I'm glad. The weeks go by much quicker than the weekends. I slept in soo late today. 10:30. My darling dears were awake around 7:45. I got up and got them a poptart and milk. When I woke up the insides of my purse were all over the floor, including some poptart, and pee. But, Caden said Brody peed and brody still wears a diaper, so I'm not sure how that works? It's probably his milk. My grandma's tea party was nice. It was for her 60th bday. Can you believe my grandma who's a great grandma to two, just turned 60!!!! I love my young family. I have a pic when I was about 3 of me, mom, grandma, great grandma, and great great grandma. I shit you now. I'll have to get it from my mom and post it. I have lots of tidying up to do today and laundry. Ihope everyone has a great last weekend day. why are my posts always so long?
sounds like you had fun and I'd love to see the generations pic. I didn't even get to meet a great grandma so I envy you all the generations you've known.

She's a very happy baby. She smiles all the time.