I'm feeling good today. Now just to get out of the house. Caden spent the night with nana and gampa. Brody and I slept in untill 9:30. All I have to do now is put Brody's clothes on. I love this site!! I love being shameless. Yeah, I'll put up a pic of my cleavege...shit.Normally anywhere else., hells no I won't put up a pic of my cleavage. So, my grandma is having a suprise bday party on sat. I had no clue what to get her. My mom said she started getting her nails done, so I think I'm going to go to the salon today and buy her a gift certificate. That's a great idea, because she'll actually use it. I hate getting people shitty gifts. I'm shakin like bacon, I don't know why. I had 2 cups of 1/2 decaf coffe at like 10. So, I don't know why I got the shakes. I really want to go to IKEA, but I really shouldn't spend my money. I want to get new dishes, table cloth, and seat cushions. Kid friendly ones. My table always looks like shit. I think if I do go, I'll go tomarrow. They have a great play area for kids, I'll wait untill I have Caden so he can have fun in there. Brody's too young. I've finally made a spreadsheet of my bills. A section for 1st of the months bills and 15th of the month bills. and a place to X when I pay them. I hope this helps. I've also cancelled most of my auto payment, so I can pay them with my banks webpay. It helps me remember how much they are. I ordered dish too, but they can't come until tues. I can't wait for my DVR. Well, everyone have fun.

I will admit it was hard to read the text above the cleavage; however it sounds like you had a productive day