I hate finances!!! I feel so bad, I'm the main one who puts my family in debt and I can't do anything to help. You know I can't work because of korea. I've tried selling make-up, but I end up buying it all (which i still sell if your interested). We've been going through some fucked up shit. This is a really wierd story: This Lady I'll call her E. She knows my husband through work. Her father died a few years back and she suposibly was left with lots of money, lots. So, she decided she was going to sell us her house for very minimal money. She has yet to move out. She's suppost to have a house in tahoe worth millions, but she can't move into it because she has cancer and her doctors are here. Well, when we signed papers for the house(which don't say anything about when she has to leave) we have her 2,000 down payment and then she asked if she could borrow 3,000. The only reason we had this money was from taxes. So, there was no way I could say no right. I mean she's selling us her house for almost nothing. This was in feb. she has yet to pay us back, and has said that because of that she is going to pay us wwwaaayyy more than she borrowed. This has been going on since mar. she always seems to have a logical explination. Many of times when hearing that we should be getting money soon, we dumbly went out and spent a little too much, thinking we could pay it off soon. So, now we're in the hole. Able to keep everyone alive, but absolutly not financially stable. E says that the problem is that all her fathers accets need to be liquified and that is taking a long time. I just wish I could get a job so I could pay off some of the debt I got us into. It's so frusterating. I don't know if I should even believe her. It is taking way too long. If you actually get to this part. I'm sorry.
Oh man, I hope things are looking up for you soon! Don't worry though, you'll be fine!

Iron? Really? I never thought that had anything to do with sleep patterns! Wow! Thanks!