Not sure if any of you are interested but thought I'd give you a little insight into whats happening in my world at the moment!
I'm due to start another nail technician course next week which means I can finally get out of retail, I can't wait to start it!
My little sister is moving to POLAND to become an au pair!! So this weekend I'm meeting the family that she will be working for, I'm crazy nervous about it.
I'm also buying excessive amounts of bikini's as I'm going to Sorrento, Italy this summer, I'm so excited. I haven't had a holiday in 5 years, definitely need it!
I've also had the best new's ever, my best friend of 13 years who moved away 2 years ago has decided she's moving back... to the same village as me! So lots of adventures to be had, especially as she has a 18 month daughter, Tahlula!
So everything is falling into place & I'm a happy lady! Just need to get doing some photoshoots and then life will be perfect!
Get gossiping with me, let me know what you've got happening this year :)
Peace out lovelies! <3

Shake your butt and smile! <3