Well I had hoped this day would never come... But IG deleted my very first account R.I.P. OurNakedAdevntures! Oh well, a fresh start can be a good thing 😊 I started a new page if anyone wants to help me grow the link is in my profile! I love a good old fashioned share for share 🥰 I figured if my photos had too much nudity for IG they will fit in just right here! So I think I am going to start filling up my profile with some my my favorite naked adventures! I am loving it here so far, so many lovely people! 🧡 I look forward to meeting more of you! I was impressed with my pin curl ability here 😇 Let me know what you think... XoXo Alice @evilyn13 @missy @sean
It's great to see you take the plunge and go from a fan to a contributor. You are stunning and very unique. Your hair looks incredible! You could never overdo nudity, because this is an art form here. Besides it shows off your confidence in your body, which is always reassuring to see in a world where the media constantly tells women they must look like this, or wear that, or drive this. ♥
Thank you for such supportive kind words 🥰 @liplix3r