It's time for some truth in this blog.
Luke and I didn't meet at work. We've never worked together. He does work in IT though and he's very good at it, as far as I'm aware. That at least is true. We have been to Aberdeen together, and eaten takeaway food together and he has also seen me naked.
We didn't have much of a meet cute I'm afraid. We tell those who ask we met online. We aren't specific about where. I'm not proud of the fact we met in the chatroom of a bondage website. I made a dirty joke and Luke found it really funny and nobody else even really noticed it and we just hit it off. I was aware of Luke already on the forum on the site where people would post chat threads on all kinds of subjects. His userpic was a funny rude meme that I recognised so I guessed he was in my age group and shared my sense of humour. He was forthright and intelligent and occasionally downright hilarious with his opinions and I already liked him. I was happy when he started chatting to me. That must have been at around 10.30pm at night. We went to a private chat room, then to whatever chat app people spoke on back then.
We spoke about everything, just as friends. We got along so well instantly. Next thing we knew it was getting light. We had talked all night and it was great. It felt comfortable and exciting and right and nice.
We did the same the next night.
And the next. And it started getting flirty. We shared kinks. Everything was perfect. We were falling in love.
He lived in Manchester which was 300+ miles away from Pingley and about six hours of driving. It was doable. Six weeks after we first spoke, I met him off the train at Pingley. He looked better in real life. He held my hand as we walked back to my house. When we got in he asked me to make him a cup of tea and take my clothes off.