- on Who is horny right now #4 in sex talk
- on Tits or Ass ? in sex talk
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- on Introduction in neurodiversity
- on alicerowena's blog post
- on alicerowena's blog post
Finally finished the hat and scarf my best friend asked me to knit him for christmas. I love the colours. He likes 'the autumnal palette' (his words), so hopefully he will approve of this. Crochet is my usual medium but I just couldn't find a hat pattern I was happy with so knitted one instead. I struggle with knitting like a toddler tying their shoelaces,...
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I had to speak to my doctor today. A while ago I mentioned I was having trouble with pain in my stomach. It started off like heartburn and kind of came and went, but I have had pretty much continual hunger pang type acidic gnawing discomfort in my stomach for about two weeks now that gets worse at night. Rennie's didn't really do much but...
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As I went into my third year at university here in Manchester something amazing happened. Ray left the team he was playing for and signed for and signed for a team here in the city. It was a move upwards for him, very prestigious, something he dreamed about as a boy in Cork. His hard work and determination had paid off. It was a bittersweet...
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I don’t really know what my mum’s mother was like as a parent, especially after her husband left leaving her with their four daughters to raise alone. Our family doesn’t have personal conversations, and only my mum has ever been allowed to have emotions (specifically anger) and then only at home behind closed doors.
I get the feeling my granny was quite controlling and had...
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I had been living in Manchester for a couple of years. I was in my final year of an english literature degree. I had some modest success as a competitive gymnast and had represented my country abroad at notable tournaments. I wont bother you with the details as nobody cares about gymnastics. Everybody likes it, but nobody actively supports it. It’s not like football or...
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I was just lying in the bath and a question popped into my head. If Ray lived nearby, what would I do? Well, what wouldn’t I do. Ray lives three hundred and twenty miles away, unfortunately. I know this because I looked him up on the electoral register. It’s right there, it’s not a crime. I opened up google street view to have a look....
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I had just turned twenty six when I finally moved out into my own place. I got a modest grant from the council to furnish the place as I had never been able to work due to my mental health. I got a small amount of money to live on every week that I collected from the post office every Tuesday, the same day old...
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Ray met me from work. He had gotten into the habit of turning up at the golf club ten minutes or so before I knocked off and walking me home. Needless to say I was giddy as a kipper every time. Having a boyfriend was new and wildly exciting and having a boyfriend who does boyfriend things like walk me home from work was straight...
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Whilst shy, bookish Aziz was growing up in Delhi, a black haired green eyed girl was growing up in Cork, Ireland. Three years younger than him and four thousand five hundred miles away, Ailis spent her days learning to play piano and doing Irish dancing with her twin sister Saoirse. They attended the local catholic church, St Margarets, which Ailis was bored by but felt...
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Georgie the spaniel's favourite game is dropping his tennis ball down rabbit holes. A lot of the time with a bit of elbow grease he can dig them out again, but usually Auntie Alice has to get down on her hands and knees and wrangle them out with the ball launcher. It was almost gone for good today but we were both equally determined!
Babajan settled into life in Delhi. After completing a probationary period in the general medical ward she moved to the obstetrics department. She felt she could do good work there, caring for women in a non judgmental way. She never wanted anyone to go through what she had.
It was gruelling work and she often felt she was wasting her time. She turned a blind...
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My step dad’s mum died this afternoon. She was in a carehome about seven miles away, but it was in a different Tier so he hadn’t been allowed to visit her for a while and his sister who lives closer was the one doing the majority of the visits recently.
Yolanda was in her nineties and had dementia but seemed to keep on going almost...
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