thank you everyone for your kind words
regarding my last post. it means a lot!
i have good news, though! my mom and i
have come up with a plan to get me out of
my shitty situation! i've already talked to my
boss, so i just need to talk to my bank and
the people at our apartments and then i can
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regarding my last post. it means a lot!
i have good news, though! my mom and i
have come up with a plan to get me out of
my shitty situation! i've already talked to my
boss, so i just need to talk to my bank and
the people at our apartments and then i can
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I <3 you and miss you so much! I hate that I'm so busy and broke and that you're broke cuz you're my fav!
I have some stuff to tell you too... anywho... you're amazing!
Some things are more important than being really really ridiculously good looking.
relationship problems: help?
so i've been with my fiance since december 14th, 2007.
we were really happy the first year, but once i moved in
with him and one of his friends things started going downhill. :/
every fight i have with him almost ends with us breaking
up these days, but i always change my mind because i'm
always hoping for change. i figure...
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so i've been with my fiance since december 14th, 2007.
we were really happy the first year, but once i moved in
with him and one of his friends things started going downhill. :/
every fight i have with him almost ends with us breaking
up these days, but i always change my mind because i'm
always hoping for change. i figure...
Read More
Hi..... All i have to say is I agree with you that is not a relationship at all. If he truly loves you and wants to be with you he should trust and not look at you as a possesion but as a partner in everything. After all you said yes that you want to marry him. You should also be able to hang out with your friends when you want to and if he doesnt want to go with you thats his loss. To me he just sounds like he's just insecure and can't handle a strong beautiful woman like you.
aww.. thank you for your kind words. ![smile](