Im happily sunburnt! (Even though you cant tell in the pics!) The beach rocked, and we hit this place called "Divine Pastabilities" on Midway. They put pasta in sandwhiches, and Im telling you, its so goddamn good you wouldnt even believe! I got like 50 belly button barbells today... and I will never use that many.. anyone want a couple?
PS I make no apologies for the poor quality of these pics.. I just looked sucky today...
(sunburn pictures will follow if anyone wants them)

PS I make no apologies for the poor quality of these pics.. I just looked sucky today...

(sunburn pictures will follow if anyone wants them)

Thats a pretty bikini you got going on there, hey ill take some belly button barbells..when I get mine pierced..which should be sometime this week.

woohoo barbells!