I'm the type of person who normally keeps everything locked up inside my head. My feelings, my thoughts, my needs and my wants I keep to myself. People think I'm shy when I first meet them but really I'm not shy at all. I have to warm up to people, make sure they're worth my time before I decide to get to know them. I find it hard to let people in and utterly horrible when someone I have let in lets me down. I guess in some ways I hold the way I treat people in such high regards that when someone doesn't treat me fairly or equally I become internally disheartened by their actions. My life...is hectic to say the least and ever since my x-boyfriend and I broke up last April I have had terrible luck with men and friends in general. I decided a long time ago that anyone who does not make an effort to be in my life, when I make an effort to be in theirs, is not worth my time. And those people who have not been there for me, big or small cases, I have completely shut out of my life. This might seem cold but I have gained better friends and am happy without the old ones, even though I often think of some of them. A few months ago I let someone very special into my life, someone who I had been best friends with for months prior. This person broke down my huge wall and made me fall like a bag of bricks for them. I'm sure you can guess how badly that ended. I recently am left feeling empty and anxious at the end of the day wondering if this person thinks of me, if they know how sad and hurt I am and if they are hurting to. In the end we all just want to be loved and this person was unable to give me what I was looking for. Not talking to them has given me a lot of time to think about my life and myself as a person. I have realized that I have a lot of things to learn about myself and am trying to take this time to do just that.
time to be selfish. time to do me.

time to be selfish. time to do me.

I never could understand or figure out why someone would want to hurt such a beautiful person such as yourself, I know that I just recently added you and from what I have read from your blogs, profile, you are such a wonderful and beautiful person, I am very happy that I get the chance to know you and I hope in the future that we could get to know each other a lot more, so no worries babygirl, go do you, everything else will fall into place like a puzzle of life, just have to remember what makes you, you, is all the good and bad things that happen to you during your life time, peace, love, blessed be, always!!
I love you and your stoner dog. lols.