snack night
this is what i used to cook my vegan side dishes
heres how they turned out vegan mashed potatoes, 2 kinds of sweet potato recipes, green bean casserole, cooked asparagus and carrots and stuffing
a lot of people asked me what i used for my fake turkey haha, i used Gardein brand they had a stuffed turkey that i made and it was amazing! you can see it on my plate on the left in this pic
i also posted a chili bake recipe on instagram and some people asked me to share it so here you go
1 yellow onion
1 can diced tomato
1 small can chopped green chili or jalepenos
1 cup rice
1 small can tomato sauce
4 cups cooked pasta your choice
1 cup salsa your choice
2 cloves garlic cooked
1 bag daiya cheese your choice on flavor
i cooked the rice and onion and garlic until done and then put them in the bottom of an oven safe pan.
next i add the cooked pasta
add the tomato sauce and green chills
add the diced tomato and salsa
from here i mix everything together so that everything is covered in the tomatoes and sauces and then i add the cheese on top
cook in oven at 350 for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted
heres some random pics from my phone from the month
i also went to the supernats kart racing 2 weeks ago
i fixed my kitchen sink and installed a new one...this was under the sink..ew
i bought a new dinning room table
took random pics with my brother
and heres a few pics from the game
i have finals next week and then I'm going to be busy with christmas shopping for my friends and family. speaking of christmas, I'm going to decorate my house this week so ill share pictures soon for christmas i am going home to san diego for 3 days and then i fly to boston for a few days with my best friend, take a train to new york for new years, then back to boston till the 4th and then home to vegas. i think its a pretty good way to spend my winter break off from school haha. I'm hoping to get lots of boarding time in this year too! i was also thinking about making christmas cards...what do you guys think?
heres my wishlist if you feel so inclined
thats about it for now
you can also find me here
Instagram: Alicee Suicide
ps if you haven't seen these ladies you should go now!
Kemper and I
Thanks so much for liking my recent set in member review and commenting ! (: Also nice snacks yummyyyy.