this past weekend i drove over to Fontana to meet the beautiful Jaxy. if you havent had a chance to get to know her yet your missing out. she is so sweet and fun to be around. plus she has an amazing new set out called Goosebumps which is SO hot!
i spent the night at her place and we had fun cooking vegan soups and playing around in the SG chat. We got up at 4:30 am to drive to Joshua Tree to meet Lorelei to shoot a new set of me! Milloux ended up meeting us there and shot a set of Lorelei too. needless to say it was a great weekend and i got to perv out on some awesome chicks.

i would love to write a longer blog but i currently have 3 midterms to study for that are due today and tomorrow. i promise to update you all more very soon
and incase you dont have it yet:
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my facebook

i would love to write a longer blog but i currently have 3 midterms to study for that are due today and tomorrow. i promise to update you all more very soon

and incase you dont have it yet:
my twitter
my tumblr
my facebook

I think it's because you're super awesome that the birthday and calendar date match like that.
...I'm ok too