it was absolutely amazing, i went with a group of friends, dressed up and partied, plus i got to meet a bunch of cool people

Tomorrow two of my best friends are driving down from las vegas to spend time with me! im very excited to see them again especially since i really didnt want to leave the last time i was there!
Then on thursday i am going to COMIC CON! although i am still bummed that SG was banned this year, i will be attending with a few friends so if you see me come say hello!!
besides all of that, im excited my summer classes are almost finished, i also have the worst sunburn EVER right now haha but good thing they go away quickly and turn into a nice summer tan
thats about it for now guys
ill update more later
Jamal "BlueChip" Watson is seeking Suicide Girls ( check it out if you have any doubts) type girls for the music Video to my song "SuicideGirls." Must be sexy and fit the description of a well read tattooed bombshell. The song can be heard on my myspace page Soon we will begin a phone push to hear the song on LA's indie 1031. contact me or Thank you.