love, hate, and some bullshit.
blah blah blacksheep. have you any crack and hookers? no sir, yes sir. 8 times bored.
i'm tired of stupid car stuff. i feel like i'm always having a new issue with a car. stupid car battery dying on me. stupid needing to replace my brake pads. stupid stupid me.
i graduated like 4 weeks ago. i'm starting grad school in september. i drank too much before graduation, and i puked beforehand. and then i continued to drink i didn't graduate until 9 something at night. god i miss school. summer is so boring and hot. i can't wait until september, but i should really decide on a thesis before then.
i'd like to do production work or something in the meantime, but most of what i've looked at has been for permanent positions, which i can't commit to because of school. so far, i've been been good on money/work, but how long can that possibly last before i need to find real work? probably not that long. i still haven't set out to make my film print, solely because dropping that much money so quickly makes me nauseous. i just need to get it over with, because really, it'll be worth it.
i'm all porned out still from last week.
i dont really feel like i really have much to say right now. clearly, im a boring person at the moment.
lilith is on her way over. were having a two person wine party tonight because were super awesome.
random pic of me and FuckinEricAllen at Eon_McKai's party awhile back.

blah blah blacksheep. have you any crack and hookers? no sir, yes sir. 8 times bored.
i'm tired of stupid car stuff. i feel like i'm always having a new issue with a car. stupid car battery dying on me. stupid needing to replace my brake pads. stupid stupid me.
i graduated like 4 weeks ago. i'm starting grad school in september. i drank too much before graduation, and i puked beforehand. and then i continued to drink i didn't graduate until 9 something at night. god i miss school. summer is so boring and hot. i can't wait until september, but i should really decide on a thesis before then.
i'd like to do production work or something in the meantime, but most of what i've looked at has been for permanent positions, which i can't commit to because of school. so far, i've been been good on money/work, but how long can that possibly last before i need to find real work? probably not that long. i still haven't set out to make my film print, solely because dropping that much money so quickly makes me nauseous. i just need to get it over with, because really, it'll be worth it.
i'm all porned out still from last week.
i dont really feel like i really have much to say right now. clearly, im a boring person at the moment.
lilith is on her way over. were having a two person wine party tonight because were super awesome.
random pic of me and FuckinEricAllen at Eon_McKai's party awhile back.

come over to the sf next time you are in town.