there are plenty of fetishes that i don't understand, but i do understand that everyone is entitled to their fetishes and i don't think you should beat someone down for it unless it is actually harming someone else unwillingly. i do not in any way feel that the nazi fetish is glorifying that millions of people were unjustly slaughtered and tortured. some people like to be dominated, and i really think that that is what the nazi fetish is about. the nazi's represent immense power and cruelty over people, which some people WANT in the bedroom, just as some people love to be degraded. i'm assuming that people who have a nazi fetish would never wish that they or anyone they know was in the holocaust, and they most likely would prefer that the senseless slaughtering had never occured. i don't think that these people are trying to belittle or mock what happened, they just want someone to dominate and punish them, and that is what the uniform represents to them, not that people were slain in a horribly disgusting act of man kind. i think that it's just important to explain the fetish to people so that they understand that you're not doing this out of racism and persecution. it's a part of their sex lives.
i just think that even if you don't understand someone's fetish, you shouldn't kick them in the nuts and tell them that they're wrong, stupid, and ignorant twats. i never saw anyone post that they loved actual nazis and thought that the holocaust was a great thing. it seemed to me that they were just seeking people that shared the same fetish, or at least understood it for what it really is, which is not hatred towards jews. i know that simply seeing the word "nazi" brings shivers down spines, and this probably wasn't the best place to talk about this fetish. i think that lots of people assumed that nazi fetishism meant something else.
i am totally understanding as to how this would be offensive. i am not supporting nazi germany in any way. my grandparents and their parents on my mom's side (japanese) were put into internment camps when they were in high school by a country they had called home for many many years. people weren't tortured or killed, but it was still an unfair and demeaning persecution against people. so don't tell me that i have no idea what i'm talking about. i obviously can't fully understand the pain of anyone who had to suffer through the holocaust, but i understand wrongful persecution.
it just makes me wonder.... if i make a "controversial" film and people from the site happen to see it and are offended by it and/or post an image from it taken out of context, does that mean that i get the boot? is there a definite line? am i supposed to live my life always being paranoid that anything i do or say, when taken out of context, will destroy me? who's prepared to do that?
do i hate the site? no. do i hate any of the staff? no, of course not. am i trying to start shit and piss people off? no. i'm just thinking on the screen. i want to make all of that clear.
sometimes it's like that band you always loved that 20 other people knew about, and then all of a sudden they were playing sold out shows to people who only knew the words to the trendy radio songs. you wanted to be happy for them, and for the most part you were, but a part of you was bitter because you felt it took something away.
p.s. i miss gea!
edited to add:
let me clarify by stating that i have never participated in nazi fetishism, nor have i planned to. all i meant by this entry was to explain what i believe is the intent behind the fetish, not to call people stupid if they don't get it. nor do i expect everyone to agree with me or see the separation of the two the way i do. if i thought that nazi fetishism was about the actual praising of nazis, i would probably throw up. i just wanted to make an explanation as how i see it so maybe not everbody would assume people who do have this fetish are ignorant. this was not meant as an attack on those who are hurt by it. like i said, i can easily understand how this could be offensive. i'm not condoning the pratice of nazi fetishism, but i also don't think that all people who do practice this are fucked up. the reason behind it is different, as i see it, but you are not expected to see it that way. i am not going to attack you if you see things differently. it is not my intent to convince people to put their feelings aside, nor make it seem that i have total disregard for your personal feelings on the subject. i do respect everyone's feelings. if it seemed otherwise, i apologize. it was not my intent.
i just think that even if you don't understand someone's fetish, you shouldn't kick them in the nuts and tell them that they're wrong, stupid, and ignorant twats. i never saw anyone post that they loved actual nazis and thought that the holocaust was a great thing. it seemed to me that they were just seeking people that shared the same fetish, or at least understood it for what it really is, which is not hatred towards jews. i know that simply seeing the word "nazi" brings shivers down spines, and this probably wasn't the best place to talk about this fetish. i think that lots of people assumed that nazi fetishism meant something else.
i am totally understanding as to how this would be offensive. i am not supporting nazi germany in any way. my grandparents and their parents on my mom's side (japanese) were put into internment camps when they were in high school by a country they had called home for many many years. people weren't tortured or killed, but it was still an unfair and demeaning persecution against people. so don't tell me that i have no idea what i'm talking about. i obviously can't fully understand the pain of anyone who had to suffer through the holocaust, but i understand wrongful persecution.
it just makes me wonder.... if i make a "controversial" film and people from the site happen to see it and are offended by it and/or post an image from it taken out of context, does that mean that i get the boot? is there a definite line? am i supposed to live my life always being paranoid that anything i do or say, when taken out of context, will destroy me? who's prepared to do that?
do i hate the site? no. do i hate any of the staff? no, of course not. am i trying to start shit and piss people off? no. i'm just thinking on the screen. i want to make all of that clear.
sometimes it's like that band you always loved that 20 other people knew about, and then all of a sudden they were playing sold out shows to people who only knew the words to the trendy radio songs. you wanted to be happy for them, and for the most part you were, but a part of you was bitter because you felt it took something away.
p.s. i miss gea!
edited to add:
let me clarify by stating that i have never participated in nazi fetishism, nor have i planned to. all i meant by this entry was to explain what i believe is the intent behind the fetish, not to call people stupid if they don't get it. nor do i expect everyone to agree with me or see the separation of the two the way i do. if i thought that nazi fetishism was about the actual praising of nazis, i would probably throw up. i just wanted to make an explanation as how i see it so maybe not everbody would assume people who do have this fetish are ignorant. this was not meant as an attack on those who are hurt by it. like i said, i can easily understand how this could be offensive. i'm not condoning the pratice of nazi fetishism, but i also don't think that all people who do practice this are fucked up. the reason behind it is different, as i see it, but you are not expected to see it that way. i am not going to attack you if you see things differently. it is not my intent to convince people to put their feelings aside, nor make it seem that i have total disregard for your personal feelings on the subject. i do respect everyone's feelings. if it seemed otherwise, i apologize. it was not my intent.
When it comes to this site, freedom of expression is heavily monitored. There's all these invisible boundaries before someone knows that they've crossed one, they're in a shit storm and are kicked out of the club.