i have my first set built for the animation part of my thesis. i'm shooting animation tests on my bolex this week, and i had planned on doing some of it today, but i'm shooting in my studio at home which is currently spewing with water. not such a good place to shoot at the moment with lights and whatnot, so i guess i wait until tomorrow
so instead...
my set (and yes, i made ALL this shit with my own hands) -

a few more pics here
some optical printer tests for another part of my thesis:
this first one will be moving and changing colors. it will serve as the background for the first animation scene (see above).
i look like an idiot when i redye my hair. see below for PROOF:
and see how silly i looked when i got talked into being a body double:
that's all for now. cracky mcsmokingpants (not literally of course) signing off. must go be spazzy and do more work.
*edited to add:
if you really want to know just how silly and stupid i can be... a friend and i were bored at one of our school jobs one night, and since we run the video studio at school, we had friends come in and we did this last november. and for some reason, i edited the footage together and then got drunk and thought it would be funny to post on the internet. yes, i know it could have been done much better, but i actually think the lack of quality makes it funnier. i guess it's just not really funny anyway if you don't know any of us.CHECK IT, YO

so instead...
my set (and yes, i made ALL this shit with my own hands) -

a few more pics here
some optical printer tests for another part of my thesis:
this first one will be moving and changing colors. it will serve as the background for the first animation scene (see above).

i look like an idiot when i redye my hair. see below for PROOF:

and see how silly i looked when i got talked into being a body double:

that's all for now. cracky mcsmokingpants (not literally of course) signing off. must go be spazzy and do more work.
*edited to add:
if you really want to know just how silly and stupid i can be... a friend and i were bored at one of our school jobs one night, and since we run the video studio at school, we had friends come in and we did this last november. and for some reason, i edited the footage together and then got drunk and thought it would be funny to post on the internet. yes, i know it could have been done much better, but i actually think the lack of quality makes it funnier. i guess it's just not really funny anyway if you don't know any of us.CHECK IT, YO
That was really fun. I like you house, your cat, your movie set and your boyfriend. We had big fun.
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!