happy birthday to me.
happy birthday to me.
happy birthday, happy birthday.
happy brithday to me!
wow. i don't feel so good. don't know how many drinks i had at the titty bar last night, but i felt fine until i got in the car. i definitely puked, but at least i didn't puke on anyone. i promised maxx that i'd make it to class this morning. i don't even remember my alarm going off. oops. fuck it. it's my mother fuckin birthday. i don't even want to think about drinking right now, but i gotta get myself healed so i can drink more tonight.
thanks to all of you lovely people who came out to party with me last night. and thanks to all of you who already wished me a happy 21st already. you rock!
okay, i need to go lay still for awhile before i take a shower and go buy alcohol just for the fun of getting carded.
happy birthday to me.
happy birthday, happy birthday.
happy brithday to me!
wow. i don't feel so good. don't know how many drinks i had at the titty bar last night, but i felt fine until i got in the car. i definitely puked, but at least i didn't puke on anyone. i promised maxx that i'd make it to class this morning. i don't even remember my alarm going off. oops. fuck it. it's my mother fuckin birthday. i don't even want to think about drinking right now, but i gotta get myself healed so i can drink more tonight.
thanks to all of you lovely people who came out to party with me last night. and thanks to all of you who already wished me a happy 21st already. you rock!
okay, i need to go lay still for awhile before i take a shower and go buy alcohol just for the fun of getting carded.
[Edited on May 19, 2003]
when you first turn 21 it kinda rocks..
Have fun