Life is shit.
Love is shit.
Wine is heaven.
If I ever start esposing about thinking I know a thing or two about a thing or two on this ridiculous machine again please come tell me to shut the fuck up.
I can't begin to understand why I was born a highly emotional and passionate person. My good sense tells me to be cynical or at least apathetic but no, no, I'm always looking for MEANING in this bloody, puss filled, river of bile we call life, and no doubt I'll sober up tomorrow go to yoga and think I've got it all figured out again, setting myself up in a perfect meditation posture for the other shoe of life that eternally lays in wait to drop on my head and crush me yet again. I am a glutton for punishment. I am a spiritual masochist. I am a damn fool for love and should be dragged into the street and shot like the ridiculous romantic fool that I am.
Love is shit.
Wine is heaven.
If I ever start esposing about thinking I know a thing or two about a thing or two on this ridiculous machine again please come tell me to shut the fuck up.
I can't begin to understand why I was born a highly emotional and passionate person. My good sense tells me to be cynical or at least apathetic but no, no, I'm always looking for MEANING in this bloody, puss filled, river of bile we call life, and no doubt I'll sober up tomorrow go to yoga and think I've got it all figured out again, setting myself up in a perfect meditation posture for the other shoe of life that eternally lays in wait to drop on my head and crush me yet again. I am a glutton for punishment. I am a spiritual masochist. I am a damn fool for love and should be dragged into the street and shot like the ridiculous romantic fool that I am.

all i'll say instead is that sometimes, life does surprise you, even if it does so in the most modest ways - infuriating as that may be.
i'm sorry you're feeling low, honey. i hope you're feeling a little better now, than how you felt when you wrote this.
take care of yourself