Anna's Girly Crush of the Day: My wonderful roomie Ellen because I ate all the broccoli (sp?) and dip. She doesn't know yet and she'll be so mad! But I came in. I was hungry, she was still in bed. I saw the broccoli and dip, freaked, and mindlessly devoured it. I am not responsible for my actions when vegetables are involved.
Girlonstage comes in a close second because her hair is so short and curly and lovely now! Not that it wasn't before of course.
So, the gig went well. Fun times. Signed a few male chests with a Sharpie. Woo! I love my boys!
So, everything today is so half and half. 50% chipper and 50% down in a hole. Weird, weird feeling. I'm feeling ever so slightly schizophrenic now. Maybe I need more sleep...yeeessss....
Need to start moving into my apartment soon. School's out in a month and Krystal and Rachel are already moved in. Sam keeps offering me things like beds and TVs. Such a cutie....I hope he understands that he doesn't need to furnish my home, lol! to put this...Kinda mad. Or...don't know if mad's really the word for it...I don't know. Left out maybe. And I hate feeling left out. And that is as far as I'm going to go with this because apparently, people read this thing. Who knew?
My back is finally getting better from the accident. It was much better at the gig on Saturday, but little Alia got a tad bit overexcited and hopped joyously into the mosh pit. Needless to say, the back didn't like that much. So I'm trying to be nice to it now.
I need some new Febreeze. Some stoner stole mine!!!
UPDATE: 12:39 pm
He doesn't love me! He doesn't, he doesn't, he can't!! Why would he? He says he does, but WHY WOULD HE?
Panicking in my little head.
relax, and take it easy on your back.
damn stoners... always with the febreeze....
that's cool that you like Coldplay. they're so great. i get to see them in a month and a half. hooray!