I want to make out with somebody right now.
More Blogs
Friday Jan 30, 2004
Hey ho. Yeah, I haven't updated in awhile. Don't beat me too much. … -
Saturday Dec 27, 2003
Blah. So sleepy, even after a triple cappacino.. My mom and I went ou… -
Friday Dec 26, 2003
Meh. I miss Sam and want to go back and see him (I'm returning to the… -
Thursday Dec 25, 2003
Very tired. Talked to Sam a lot on the phone today. It was nice. We g… -
Thursday Dec 25, 2003
Well, well, well, Merry Christmas boys and girls!!! I'm sitting downs… -
Tuesday Dec 23, 2003
Blach....have had far too much eggnog and feel kind of sick. Otherwis… -
Sunday Dec 21, 2003
Gah. Flew to Michigan today. So here I am, late at night, typing on m… -
Friday Dec 12, 2003
Sitting in the coffeehouse with my man. Really nothing of note to spe… -
Tuesday Dec 02, 2003
Well, it's been a little while. Where to start? Sam has been smite… -
Friday Nov 28, 2003
Oh good god I am exhausted. Sam and I got up at three this morning to…
I know that feeling too well.