Slept through my morning class today. Oops. Also missed the review for the midterm in Children's Lit. Again, oops. But I am pretty sure that I can hack it. I know what I'm doing.
Also have a paper due tomorrow. Seven pages, double spaced on Winona Ryder's acting. I think I am going to do the research tonight and write it tomorrow. It's due at five and I get out of class at noon. Although I might want to go to this presentation that my friend's doing with pictures that I modeled in. Hmm. We shall see.
I went with my friend Rachel to see her new apartment, which is so huge and pretty that it's really more like a house. She signed the lease on it a couple days ago. She came over and we went to dinner, then sneaked up to the room that Ruby the Beta was in in a rescue attempt but the door was locked. So we went to her place and I helped her unpack. I love her place, but it makes me sad because I have to move off campus next year and I have absolutely no one to room with. And I wouldn't like living alone at all.
Rachel gave me my birthday present though! She got me The Faeries Oracle, which I just love.
We came back to discover that Tim had stolen Ruby from Bad Pet Owner Guy and brought it downstairs. However, it was being kept in a little tiny cup!!
So we went back to Walmart. I got Ruby a new bowl, some rocks, a net so I could get her out when I cleaned the bowl and some fish food. Rachel bought an entire bathroom set. I'm getting really excited about moving into my own place. *sigh* Just have to find someone to live with.
Well, I'm off to start researching my paper, clean the room and put together my altar. Goodnight!
Also have a paper due tomorrow. Seven pages, double spaced on Winona Ryder's acting. I think I am going to do the research tonight and write it tomorrow. It's due at five and I get out of class at noon. Although I might want to go to this presentation that my friend's doing with pictures that I modeled in. Hmm. We shall see.
I went with my friend Rachel to see her new apartment, which is so huge and pretty that it's really more like a house. She signed the lease on it a couple days ago. She came over and we went to dinner, then sneaked up to the room that Ruby the Beta was in in a rescue attempt but the door was locked. So we went to her place and I helped her unpack. I love her place, but it makes me sad because I have to move off campus next year and I have absolutely no one to room with. And I wouldn't like living alone at all.
Rachel gave me my birthday present though! She got me The Faeries Oracle, which I just love.
We came back to discover that Tim had stolen Ruby from Bad Pet Owner Guy and brought it downstairs. However, it was being kept in a little tiny cup!!

So we went back to Walmart. I got Ruby a new bowl, some rocks, a net so I could get her out when I cleaned the bowl and some fish food. Rachel bought an entire bathroom set. I'm getting really excited about moving into my own place. *sigh* Just have to find someone to live with.
Well, I'm off to start researching my paper, clean the room and put together my altar. Goodnight!

i think i like ms ryders preformance in beetlejuice better than any i have seen.
You have Gaelic tattoed on your body? That is very cool indeed