I have been sick as sick can be for the past couple of days. I have the full blown flu now. I had to leave work early the other day because my fever had me sweating through my clothes. Sam's been taking good care of me though. I've been drinking my Theraflu and taking it easy, so hopefully I'll get better soon. As it is now though, my lymph nodes are so swollen that my neck is sore and I can feel them at the very back of my throat. *keeps drinking my herbal tea*
Sam got a phone call from his sister last night. I guess his mom went in for some procedures. I didn't get all the details, but I guess they found something on her uterus, failed to find one of her ovaries, and they want to do some CAT scans. I think what they are doing is checking for ovarian cancer, which is what killed his grandma. So Sam's in bad shape. He cried a lot yesterday. He's really close to his mom, and he's very, very worried. I feel bad because I don't really know wh, due to mat to say. I guess I can just be there for him. Hopefully everything will come out okay with his mom.
Went to Victoria's Secret with my friend and bought a shitton of really hot lingerie. Can't wait to go home and put it on. But I'll have to wait a little bit longer because people might be coming over to drink and watch the extended version of THE TWO TOWERS!!!!!! Which, I would like to add, we got the day before it came out, due to my man's excellent job position and thievin' skills. Woot!!
Sam got a phone call from his sister last night. I guess his mom went in for some procedures. I didn't get all the details, but I guess they found something on her uterus, failed to find one of her ovaries, and they want to do some CAT scans. I think what they are doing is checking for ovarian cancer, which is what killed his grandma. So Sam's in bad shape. He cried a lot yesterday. He's really close to his mom, and he's very, very worried. I feel bad because I don't really know wh, due to mat to say. I guess I can just be there for him. Hopefully everything will come out okay with his mom.
Went to Victoria's Secret with my friend and bought a shitton of really hot lingerie. Can't wait to go home and put it on. But I'll have to wait a little bit longer because people might be coming over to drink and watch the extended version of THE TWO TOWERS!!!!!! Which, I would like to add, we got the day before it came out, due to my man's excellent job position and thievin' skills. Woot!!

[Edited on Nov 24, 2003 6:14PM]
I wish we had victorias secret over here.. they have some damn sexy underwear!!